Avengers:Cuddles and movies

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Everybody in the compound does a team bonding day/night all in pairs on the couch. Nat and Clint (just friends), Tony and Peter (AS IRON DAD AND SPIDER SON NOTHING MORE), Thor and Loki (AS BROTHERS NOTHING MORE), Steve and Bucky (boyfriends that act like husbands), Sam and Rhodey (just friends) etc

 Nat and Clint (just friends), Tony and Peter (AS IRON DAD AND SPIDER SON NOTHING MORE), Thor and Loki (AS BROTHERS NOTHING MORE), Steve and Bucky (boyfriends that act like husbands), Sam and Rhodey (just friends) etc

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Peter's pov:

Tonight is team bonding night I'm very excited I love team bonding nights Thor always has the best jokes, Steve and Bucky always have the best food, Clint and Natasha's bickering always make nights fun, mr starks cuddling skills (dare to think this is a starker I will pull a winter solider on u) he is the best at cuddles and when he gave me custard my stuffed giraffe me and Bucky have one thing in common we both have stuffed animals he has a fox called fuzzy Scott always tries to be an asshole about it but mr stark tells him off then we get ice cream, Sams sass and Loki's humour "ready for movie night bud" Bucky asked me as we both head towards the couch "yea it's your night to pick what are you picking" I said hoping he doesn't pick a horror movie "Winnie the Pooh" he said I started to jump up and down "yay! I love that movie" I said it's true I really do love that movie "what's so exciting peter I haven't seen you so excited like this in ages" me stark said I don't know if I should tell him "it's just the movie Bucky picked mr stark" I said praying he doesn't asked what movie I look at Bucky he gives me a look I shake my head lightly "that's good anyways I'm gonna see what capsicle is cooking" mr stark said going to the kitchen that's me starks nickname for Steve. I plop into the corner of the couch where mr stark normally sits and I sit between him and Bucky "you got fuzzy with you" I asked it's me and bucks tradition to have custard and fuzzy with us on team bonding nights "yea of course I do, now what snacks are you thinking" he said bringing fuzzy out I pull out custard "custard pies, chips lots of chips, candy, chocolate, ice cream and soda" I said giggling he smiles back it's great that Bucky doesn't judge people for food which is good because we both like to eat lots of food "that's good, with before when Tony asked you when you got so excited about me telling that I picked Winnie the Pooh and you didn't tell why?" He asked me "I don't want tony to think I am a baby, I already give him cuddles and need him to stay with me at nights so I don't have nightmares now if he finds out that I love child ish movies, don't get me wrong anyone can watch Winnie the Pooh but it is made for kids anyway I can't have mr stark thinking I'm a baby" I rambled I start to feel uneasy "peter trust me he won't think of that" he said I feel a bit better I cuddle into him (DARE TO THINK THIS IS SEXUAL I WILL PULL A WINTER SOLDIER ON U) he puts an arm around me "thank you" I mumbled holding custard tightly towards my chest as Scott walks in I hope he doesn't say anything because I know I'm gonna yell at him "seriously you to again will the stuffed toys, your not two your 15 and 99 years old" Scott said I don't wanna deal with this today I gave him the middle finger "Scott fuck off!" I said "Hey language spiderling" cap said

Bucky's pov:

I'm so sick of Scott and so glad Peter stood up for us "swearing Peter not nice" Scott said taking fuzzy custard and running "SCOTT GIVE THEM BACK" I screamed Peter started sobbing I get up and chase Scott I catch up to him and put him in a choke hold "IF YOU DONT DROP FUZZY AND CUSTARD ILL DROP YOU OFF THE ROOF" I screamed in his ear I see his hand grip grow tighter on them "Bucky what's going on. Let Scott go" Steve said I look him in the eyes "not until he drops fuzzy and custard slowly no second thought give them to Steve then I drop him" I said Steve gets closer to Scott, Scott hands them to Steve I drop Scott and go to Steve's arms "he took fuzzy and custard please don't be mad" I said on verge of tears praying he isn't mad at me "I'm not mad but you know that you can't hurt people to get things back" he said hugging me back we both walk back to the common room. To see Peter sobbing into Tony chest poor kid I hand custard to Tony "hey bud look what I got. It's custard Bucky got him back" Tony said giving custard to Peter "thank you Bucky" Peter mumbled loud enough for me to hear "don't sweat it" I said sitting next to Peter "did you get fuzzy back" Peter asked me "yea I got him back" I said smiling he smiles to Steve brings out the food like fries, chicken, bacon, tacos, nachos and more. Everybody comes in they all sit there spots Steve sits next to me "Bucky please put on the movie" Sam said I did everybody started giggling "what's so funny" Peter asked "it's a bit childish don't you think" Tony said Peter and I both turn facing towards tony in sync "childish my ass" we both said in sync we started laughing are asses off "now let us watch the movie please and thank you" Peter said eating some fries. 20 minutes into the movie Thor and Loki have fell asleep, Natasha and Clint have left because of a mission they gotta go on tomorrow, Sam and Rhodey are  talking about god knows what, Peter is still cuddling into Tony (IRON DAD AND SPIDER SON SHOULD BE ON YOUR MIND ONLY OR LIKE I SAID BEFORE I WILL PULL A WINTER SOLDIER ON YOU GOT IT) and I'm still cuddling into Steve "aww the two toddlers at it again" Scott said god he is such a dick I hope he doesn't upset Peter because I can tell he is about to fall asleep "seriously can't you two act like toddlers somewhere else" he said I just dig my head into Steve's chest clutching onto fuzzy "Scott if you can't see Peter is nearly asleep and we're all trying to watch the movie so you can sit down and watch or leave your choice but don't be a dick" Tony said holding Peter tighter

No one's pov:

Scott leaves Steve giggles "so he does have brain cells" Steve said Bucky giggles Tony grins 20 minutes later Steve take's sleeping Bucky to bed with fuzzy tucked in his arms. While with Tony Peter also asleep with custard still in his hold. Tony picks up Peter and takes the teen to his room that is covered in posters, albums and  drawings that Steve drew then a shelf above his bed with Winnie the Pooh figures and little teddies. Tony puts Peter under the covers and puts Peter's favourite song on Star Shopping by lil peep he leaves and goes to his room to sleep. They all sleep no nightmares no attacks no nothing just peaceful sleep

Another done and dusted

Word count: 1264

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