Stucky parents/spiderson: I. Dont. Lwike. It! Part 2

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The photo may not match the story butttt it's cute


So yk the interview that Chris evans says he has a speech impediment. Well Peter has the same thing there's a spider in his room and he has arachnophobia. Peter starts crying and yelling he is a very sensitive kid and autistic also Scott being an ass part 2

Peter's pov:

Dad keeps whispering 'it's okay' 'your not in trouble' 'just breathe' 'I got you' "he rwuined my posters dad" I said he rubs my back while still holding me "I know I know" he whispered "but dad those were Ned's posters that he made specifically for me he will be so upset when and if he finds out" I said nearly starting to cry again I don't want Ned to be upset "if you explain to him he'll understand what happened okay trust me" uncle Bruce said rubbing my back "look I'm gonna check on Steve and the rest. Peter are you alright to stay here or you wanna come with me" dad said "I wanna come with you please" I said he starts walking to the room with pops and the rest of my uncles and Scott after what he just did I'm never gonna classify him as a uncle again. Scott's all bruised and bloody pops throws another punch getting Scott in the nose I flinch whimpering while doing so. Pops head turns towards me "what are you doing here peter" he said not so happy which worries me "he just wanted to see if everything is okay which it's not" dad said "come on Steve don't raise your son as pussy let me him see you hitting me" Scott slurred pops kicks Scott in the stomach I flinch again "shut it" he said coldly "Steve that's enough" uncle Tony said he tries to pull back pops "FUCK OFF TONY" pops yelled I cover my ears as fast as possible tears run down my cheeks "lwoud" I whimpered dad takes me out of the room "hey it's okay pops is just mad. How about I get your water bottle and we can pick out some sensory things out of your room" dad said I don't wanna go back to my room I don't wanna see the posters ruined "dad I don't wanna go back to my rwoom please I don't wanna see the rwuined posters please" I said quietly

Bucky's pov:

"How about you wait on the couch and I'll quickly get some sensory things out of your room ok" I said hoping he is okay with that "yea I'll stay here" he said not making any eye contact "what would you like or would you like me to bring out the whole container" I asked "container please" he mumbled I go inside his room to see the room to see it is spotless "how did you guys the posters so clean" I asked "Peter must of forgot that ned laminated them" Clint said smiling "thank Jesus" I said getting the sensory container and giving it to Peter "I'll get the water" I said going to the kitchen and grabbing his water bottle and give it to him. Steve walks into the room looking upset "Stevie what's up are you feeling better" I said going to hug him "I shouldn't of hit Scott in front Peter and I shouldn't of swore or yelled I'm sorry Peter" he said placing his head into my neck "pops I'm not mad I forgive you but please don't do it again my ears don't lwike it" Peter said "group hug" I said Peter comes rushing over to us and get between us "by the way your aunts and uncles wanna show you something" I said Steve picks up Peter and takes him to his room I follow "it's all clean but how it was rwuined" Peter said "Ned laminated them" Tasha said Peter smiles then yawns "think somebody derives a nap" Steve said "do you want it in here or pops and my room" I said "your rwoom please" he said very tried I nod "night night everyone thank for cleaning my rwoom" Peter said "no problem kid" Clint said "yea it wasn't that hard" Nat said "night peter" Bruce said Peter waves as we walk to mine and Steve's room we all get under the covers Peter being in the middle but he looks a little distressed "hey bud you okay you look a little distressed" Steve said "I need custard please" Peter mumbled Steve runs out Peter turns red "hey there's nothing to be embarrassed about it's your comfort item I don't mind it pops doesn't mind it I'm sure your aunts and uncles don't mind it" I said "what about Scott" he said looking at me tears threatening to spill I pull him into a hug

Steve's pov:

I go back to my room and see Peter sobbing "what happened" I said "I was trying to reassure Peter about him wanting custard and I said there nothing to be embarrassed about it's your comfort item and saying I don't mind you don't mind and he's aunts and uncles don't mind then he said what about Scott I just pulled him into a hug he hasn't stop crying since I feel horrible" Bucky said I give Peter custard he smiles and goes to sleep so do Bucky and me

Sorry for the crappy ending

Word count: 909

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