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A crap ton of fluff

It was a quiet night in the Avengers compound, and everyone was gathered in the living room for a movie night. Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, and Bucky Barnes were all snuggled up on the couch, while the rest of the team lounged in armchairs and bean bags.

Iron Man had insisted on making popcorn from scratch, and the smell of buttery goodness filled the air. Spider-Man was bouncing with excitement, eager to watch the latest Avengers movie.

As the movie started, everyone settled in for a night of action and adventure. Iron Man and Spider-Man were sitting together, sharing a blanket and munching on popcorn. Captain America and Bucky were sitting on the other end of the couch, sharing a bowl of candy. The rest of the team was scattered throughout the room, some paying close attention to the movie, while others were chatting quietly amongst themselves.

As the movie progressed, everyone was getting more and more into it. The action scenes were intense, and the plot was thickening. But just as the climax of the movie was about to begin, Peter Parker let out a blood-curdling scream.

Everyone jumped up in alarm, ready to fight whatever threat had invaded the compound. But when they reached Peter's room, they found him thrashing in his sleep, trapped in a nightmare.

Iron Man scooped Peter up in his arms, cradling him close and whispering soothing words. The rest of the team gathered around, offering comfort and support. Captain America and Bucky were there to offer Peter a hand to hold, while Black Widow was there to offer a comforting hug. Thor, meanwhile, was busy brewing a cup of tea to calm Peter's nerves.

As the night wore on, the team stayed up with Peter, sharing stories and laughter to chase away the fear. They talked about their favorite moments from the movie, and shared some of their own personal fears and nightmares. Iron Man even told a funny story about the time he dreamt he was a giant robot fighting off an alien invasion.

By the time the sun rose, Peter was sound asleep, snuggled up against Iron Man's chest. The rest of the team had fallen asleep in various positions around the room, some on the couch, some on the floor, and some in armchairs. But they were all happy to be there, happy to have each other to lean on in times of need.

I'm on a roll

Word count: 422

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