Kitty named mitten

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No one's pov:

Iron Dad and Spider Son were out on patrol one night, swinging through the city streets and keeping an eye out for any trouble brewing. As they turned a corner, they heard a faint meowing sound coming from up ahead. Spider Son's spidey sense tingled, and he knew that something was wrong.

They followed the sound to a nearby park, where they found a tiny kitten stuck up in a tree. Spider Son immediately wanted to climb up and rescue the kitten, but Iron Dad was hesitant to let him. He knew that climbing trees could be dangerous, and he didn't want his son to get hurt.

After some convincing from Spider Son, Iron Dad agreed to let him try to rescue the kitten, but warned him to be careful. With Iron Dad's guidance, Spider Son was able to climb up the tree and rescue the kitten, bringing it back down to safety.

The three of them spent the rest of the night cuddling and playing with the kitten, bonding over their shared love of animals. Iron Dad and Spider Son took turns feeding the kitten, and they even named her Mittens.

As they walked back home, Iron Dad put his arm around Spider Son's shoulder and told him how proud he was of him. Spider Son smiled and leaned into his dad's embrace, feeling safe and loved. They knew that they had made a difference in Mittens' life, and that they had strengthened their bond as father and son.

From that night on, Mittens became a regular part of their patrol routine. She would curl up in Spider Son's backpack, and they would take turns carrying her around as they patrolled the city. Mittens became a symbol of hope and love, reminding Iron Dad and Spider Son of their duty to protect and care for those in need.

Jarvis helped me again he the best

Word count: 324

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