Cuddle Buddies

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Requested by: Tobias_curse


Can you write a fanfic with dialogue about Peter is having a really hard time getting over aunt May's death and everything in generally and Loki figures out and comforts Peter with talks and cuddle buddies

Word count: 407

No one's pov:

Here's a longer fanfic with more dialogue:

Peter sat alone in his room, feeling lost and alone. His aunt May had recently passed away , leaving Peter to fend for himself. He missed her terribly and felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being on his own.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was Loki, who had sensed Peter's distress. "Hey, Peter. How are you doing?" Loki asked, sitting down next to him.

Peter sighed and shook his head. "Not great, Loki. I miss my aunt May so much. I feel like I'm drowning in all the responsibilities of being on my own and I'm so scared stressed everything under the sun I just feel like everything is going to fall more apart."

Loki put a comforting arm around Peter's shoulders. "I understand how you feel, Peter. Being alone can be tough. But you're not alone. You have friends who care about you and want to help you through this."

Peter looked up at Loki, grateful for his words of comfort. "Thanks, Loki. You always know how to make me feel better."

Loki smiled. "Of course, Peter. That's what friends are for. Now, how about we do something fun to take your mind off things? Maybe we could watch a movie or play some video games?"

Peter nodded. "That sounds great. I could use a distraction right now."

They spent the rest of the evening cuddled up together on the couch, watching a favorite comedy and laughing together. As the night wore on, Peter began to feel more relaxed and at ease. He was grateful for Loki's company and his ability to take his mind off his problems.

As the movie ended, Peter turned to Loki. "Thanks for being such a good friend, Loki. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Loki smiled. "You're welcome, Peter. I'm always here for you, no matter what. Remember that."

Peter nodded, feeling a sense of peace and comfort wash over him. He knew that he still had a long road ahead of him, but with friends like Loki by his side, he felt like he could handle anything that came his way.

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