Yelling is a no go

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Peter hated yelling but Bucky and Nat comfort him

No one's pov:

Peter Parker was walking through the Avengers' headquarters when he heard yelling coming from one of the rooms. He peeked inside and saw that the team was having a heated argument.

The yelling was so loud that it scared Peter really badly. He felt his heart racing and his hands shaking. He knew that he needed to get out of there.

He ran down the hall and found a small room with a table. He crawled under the table and pulled out his comfort teddies, Mr. Snuggles and Bunny. He hugged them tightly and started to sob.

Bucky Barnes heard Peter crying and followed the sound to the small room. He crawled under the table and found Peter hiding there.

Bucky put his arm around Peter and comforted him. He told Peter that it was okay to be scared and that he was there to protect him.

Natasha Romanoff heard Peter crying and came to the room to see what was happening. She saw Bucky comforting Peter and joined in to help.

Together, Bucky and Natasha helped Peter stop sobbing. They talked to him about what was happening and made sure that he felt safe.

Peter knew that he was lucky to have friends like Bucky and Natasha. They were always there for him, even when he was scared and alone. He hugged Mr. Snuggles and Bunny tightly and felt grateful for the love and support of his friends.

Bucky and Natasha sat with Peter for a while, talking to him about his favorite things and trying to distract him from the argument that was happening in the other room. They told him stories about their own childhoods and the things that scared them when they were young.

Peter started to feel better as he listened to Bucky and Natasha. He felt like he wasn't alone anymore, and that he had friends who cared about him.

After a while, the yelling in the other room stopped. Bucky and Natasha helped Peter stand up and they all went to see what was happening.

The team was sitting around a table, looking tired and stressed. They all looked up when Bucky, Natasha, and Peter walked in.

"Hey, little buddy," Tony Stark said, smiling at Peter. "Are you okay?"

Peter nodded and smiled back at Tony. He felt a lot better now that he was with his friends.

The team talked to Peter about what was happening and explained that they were just having a disagreement. They told him that it was okay to disagree with people and that it didn't mean that they didn't care about each other.

Peter listened

Word count: 454

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