Its okay

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Peter gets really anxious about his grades

Peter Parker is such a hardworking student, but he always gets so anxious about his grades. He spends every waking moment studying, and even then, he's never quite sure if he's done enough. Lately, he's been really worried because he's been struggling in a few of his classes. He's afraid that Tony is going to be really mad at him if he doesn't get his grades up.

To help him cope with his stress, Peter has a few comfort teddies that he likes to snuggle with when he's feeling overwhelmed. They're his secret little helpers, and they always make him feel better when he's having a tough day. He's never told anyone about them, but they're his most prized possessions.

One day, after a particularly tough exam, Peter was feeling really down. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed, and he was dreading the thought of Tony finding out. He went back to his dorm room and pulled out his favorite teddy bear, a little brown bear named Betsy. As he held her close, he felt a little bit better. But then his phone rang, and he saw that it was Tony.

Peter's heart sank. He knew that Tony was going to ask him about his grades, and he didn't know how to tell him the truth. He answered the phone, trying to keep his voice steady. "Hey Tony," he said.

"Hey Peter," Tony replied. "How did the exam go?"

Peter took a deep breath. "It was really hard," he said. "I don't think I did very well."

Tony was quiet for a moment. "Okay," he said finally. "We'll work on it. I'm not mad, Peter. I just want you to do your best."

Peter felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. He couldn't believe that Tony wasn't mad at him. He thanked him and hung up the phone, feeling grateful for his mentor's kindness. He hugged Betsy a little tighter, feeling like everything was going to be okay

Idea from KazzyBear__

Word count: 346

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