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Bad day at school for Peter

Word count:361

No one's pov:

Peter comes home from school very upset. He goes straight to his room and feels very lonely, so he grabs his favourite blanket and his teddy Tigger and goes to Tony sobbing. Tony is in the middle of a meeting when Peter comes to him. Peter doesn't care that the whole team is there. He just wants hugs from his dad.

"Hey, bud. What's going on?" Tony asks, noticing Peter's tears.

"I hate school. Everyone is so mean to me," Peter cries.

"Okay, come here," Tony says, opening his arms for a hug. But someone interrupts.

"Peter, we're in the middle of a meeting," the person says.

"Can't you see he's upset?" Steve interjects.

Natasha nods in agreement with Steve. "He needs his dad right now," she adds.

Tony scoops Peter up and takes him out of the room. They go to the living room, where Tony sets Peter down on the couch.

"Let's watch some movies," Tony suggests.

Peter nods, cuddling Tigger close to him. Tony puts on a movie, and they both sit there in silence for a few minutes. Peter is still sniffling, but Tony doesn't say anything. He just lets Peter cry it out.

After a while, Peter looks up at Tony. "I'm sorry I interrupted your meeting," he says, wiping his tears away.

"Don't worry about it. You're more important than any meeting," Tony replies, pulling Peter closer to him.

Peter smiles, feeling safe and loved. They spend the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling on the couch. Tony even brings out some snacks for them to share.

As the night goes on, Peter starts to feel better. He talks to Tony about what happened at school, and Tony listens intently. He offers advice and reassurance, telling Peter that he's not alone and that things will get better.

By the time the movie is over, Peter is feeling much more like himself. He gives Tony a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before heading up to bed.

"Goodnight, Dad," he says, smiling.

"Goodnight, Peter," Tony replies, ruffling his hair.

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