Horror Movie

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Peter hates horror movies

No one's pov:

Peter was excited for the movie night with his dads and the team. They were going to watch a horror movie, which Peter wasn't too thrilled about, but he didn't want to be a party pooper. They had popcorn and candy, and everyone was having a good time.

As the movie started, Peter started to feel uneasy. He didn't like the creepy music or the jump scares. He tried to focus on the candy, but it didn't help much. He looked over at his dads, hoping they would notice how scared he was, but they were too busy watching the movie.

After the movie, Peter went to bed, feeling really uneasy. He had a feeling he was going to have a nightmare. He snuggled up to his teddies, Winnie the Pooh and Buzz Lightyear, hoping they would protect him.

He was right. He had a really bad nightmare, and he woke up sobbing. He was so scared that he couldn't even move. He knew he had to go to his dads' room, but he didn't want to wake them up. He tried to climb into the bed, but Steve accidentally kicked him off the bed.

Peter sobbed, feeling rejected and alone. Bucky heard him crying and came over to comfort him. "It's okay, Peter. I'm here for you," Bucky said, pulling Peter into a hug.

Steve felt really bad for kicking Peter off the bed. He went over to comfort him, but Peter pushed him away. "You don't love me anymore," Peter sobbed.

Tony came over to see what was going on. "Peter, what's wrong?" he asked, noticing how upset Peter was.

Peter didn't want to tell them what was wrong. He didn't want to be a baby. But Tony was really good at comforting people, and he knew how to make Peter feel better. "It's okay to be scared, Peter," Tony said. "Everyone gets scared sometimes. Even me."

Peter finally told them that the movie scared him. His dads felt really bad for not noticing how scared he was. They let him sleep with them for weeks, until he felt comfortable sleeping on his own again.

Steve noticed how much Peter was struggling after the movie night, and he wanted to do something to make it up to him. He remembered that Peter had mentioned that he liked to draw, so he decided to ask him about it.

"Hey, Peter, I heard you like to draw. Do you want to show me some of your drawings?" Steve asked.

Peter was surprised that Steve was interested in his drawings, but he was also excited to show them to him. They spent the next few hours looking through Peter's sketchbook, and Steve was really impressed with his talent.

"You're really good, Peter. Have you ever thought about taking art classes?" Steve asked.

Peter hadn't thought about it before, but he was really excited at the idea of taking art classes. Steve offered to help him find some classes in the area, and they spent the rest of the night planning out Peter's art lessons.

From that night on, Steve and Peter spent a lot of time together. They would go on runs together, play catch, and even cook together. Peter was so happy that Steve was taking an interest in his life, and Steve was happy to have a better relationship with his son

Word count: 574

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