3 dads

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3 dad vibes very protective fluffy tho

No one's pov:

Peter had always found comfort in his teddy bear. It was a soft, fluffy creature with big, round eyes and a friendly smile. Whenever he felt overwhelmed or anxious, he would hold onto the bear and feel a sense of calm wash over him.

But one day, when Peter was walking through downtown New York, he heard someone snickering behind him. He turned around to see a group of teenagers pointing at him and laughing.

"What's wrong with that kid?" one of them said. "Is he carrying around a baby toy?"

Peter felt his face grow hot with embarrassment. He clutched his teddy bear tightly and tried to ignore them, but the laughter only grew louder.

That's when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Hey, leave him alone."

Peter turned around to see Tony, Bucky, and Steve standing behind him, their arms crossed and their faces stern.

The teenagers looked taken aback. "Who are you guys?" one of them said Peter looks at them weird who doesn't know who the avengers are

Tony stepped forward. "We're his family," he said, gesturing to Peter. "And we don't take kindly to people who make fun of those who are different."

Bucky nodded. "Especially not when it comes to kids," he said. "That's just low."

Steve put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "You okay, buddy?" he said.

Peter nodded, but tears were streaming down his face. He felt so ashamed and embarrassed.

Tony knelt down in front of him. "Hey, it's okay," he said, wiping away Peter's tears. "Those kids don't know anything. You're special, and you're loved."

Bucky crouched down next to Tony. "And you know what?" he said. "I bet they don't have a teddy bear as cool as yours."

Peter sniffled and looked up at them. "Really?"

Tony smiled. "Really," he said. "And you know what else? We're going to take you out for some ice cream to make you feel better."

Peter's face lit up with a smile. He felt so lucky to have such amazing dads who loved him no matter what.

As they walked away from the teenagers, Peter felt a sense of pride and confidence wash over him. He knew that he was different, but he also knew that he was loved and valued. And with Iron Dad and Spider Son by his side, he knew that he could overcome


Word count: 412

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