Panic attack

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Requested by: the_depressed_bitch


Bucky is regressed and he has a ptsd induced panic attack Steve cares for him

Word count: 607

No one's pov:

Bucky had been regressed for days and was content playing with his toys or cuddling with his stuffed animals. Steve had been taking care of him, making sure he was safe, comfortable, and loved.
Everything was going well until Tony decided to show him a video from his time with Hydra.

The footage showed Bucky in the middle of a mission, gunning down innocent people without a second thought. His mind was clouded, his emotions suppressed, and his actions controlled by Hydra. Watching himself commit unspeakable acts shook him to the core. His breathing became ragged, his hands started shaking, and his heart was racing.

PTSD triggers were a part of Bucky's life, but he thought he was doing better until now. His mind couldn't differentiate between past and present, reality and nightmare. He was regressing, and he knew it. He felt like a child surrounded by monsters.

"It's okay, Buck, I'm here for you." Steve's comforting voice brought him back to the present, and he held onto Steve's hand for dear life.

"I don't lwike it, daddy. Make it go way." Bucky whimpered, feeling small.

" can't make it go away, Buck, but I can help you feel safe. Do you want to go back to our room?" Steve suggested, feeling like they weren't welcome here anymore.

Bucky nodded, feeling like he was going to have another accident. He couldn't hold it in anymore, and he wet himself, feeling humiliated and exposed.

"Look at him, he's just a big baby," Clint snickered, earning himself a warning glance from Steve.

"That's enough, Clint. Bucky is regressed, and he needs our support, not our ridicule," Steve said, firmly.

"Yeah, man, lay off" Sam added, not liking the way they were treating Bucky.

Bucky was crying, feeling embarrassed, and vulnerable. He wanted to run away and hide.

"Come on, Buck, let's go to our room okay baby," Steve said, picking him up in his arms and carrying him away from the others

Bucky was wailing, feeling like a child once again. Steve took him to their room, where Bucky could feel comfortable and secure. He undressed him, cleaned him up, and put him in a fresh diaper, some pyjamas, and cuddled him close. He gave him his favourite teddy bear, sucking on his pacifier and held him until he fell asleep.

Bucky dreamed of happy times, of playing with Steve, of being carefree and happy. He didn't like to think about the past, but it was always lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce at any moment.

He woke up abruptly, soaked in urine, his diaper leaking. He cried out for his daddy, feeling embarrassed and distressed.

"I'm here, baby, I got you," Steve said, kissing Bucky's forehead and pickinghim up.

Bucky clung to Steve, feeling safe and loved. Steve cleaned him up, changed his diaper, and dressed him in a soft and fluffy onesie.

"Don't worry, Buck, I'II always take care of you," Steve reassured him, cradling him in his arms.

"Thank you, Daddy," Bucky whispered, feeling grateful for having Steve by his side.

The two of them snuggled into bed, ready to take a nap. Bucky felt safe, comfortable, and loved. He knew that Steve would do anything to protect him, and he felt lucky to have him as his boyfriend and caregiver.

Steve had gotten a bottle for Bucky filled with milk and honey he feed Bucky until he fell asleep "good night my baby" Steve said kissing Bucky on the forehead

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