2 months

75 4 2

Requested by: Inmybedwithbooks-


Aunt May is moving away for 2 months and Peter moves into the tower

Word count: 460

No one's pov:

Peter Parker sat nervously on the sofa in the Avengers headquarters. He had been living with the team for a day now, but he still felt anxious and overwhelmed. He had been Tony Stark's intern for a month, working in his lab on various projects. But when Peter's Aunt May had to move cities for two months, Peter had to find a new place to live. And Tony had offered him a place on the team.

Before leaving to move, Peter had said goodbye to Aunt May. "I know it's only 2 months but I really going to miss you a lot" Peter said crying a little "I know honey you can call me anytime you need okay your like my son" aunt May It had been a tearful goodbye, and Peter had felt a little lost since then. He fidgeted with his hands and looked around the room, his eyes stopping on Tony.

Tony noticed Peter's discomfort and sat down next to him. "Hey, how's it going, kid?"

Peter shrugged. "I..I don't know. I'm just really nervous, I guess."

Tony put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Look, I know this is new and scary, but you're not alone. The team is here for you, and we've got your back."

Peter looked up at Tony, his eyes wide. "Th-thank you, Mr Stark. I just miss Aunt May so much."

Tony smiled sympathetically. "I know you do. But sometimes we have to do things that are difficult. And I promise you, everything will be okay."

As Peter spoke about his aunt and how much he missed her, the rest of the team gathered around.
Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and the others had all been listening, and they exchanged a sad look when they heard about Peter's goodbye.

Natasha noticed Peter's pain and reached over to place a comforting hand on his knee. "It's okay, Peter.
We all miss people we love when we're away from them. But remember, your family is here too. We're all in this together."

Steve nodded in agreement. "That's right, kid. We're a team, and that means we take care of each other. You can always come to us if you need anything."

Bruce added, "And if you ever want to talk about how you're feeling or need someone to listen, we're here for you."

Peter looked up at the team, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thanks, guys. That means a lot to me. I'm lucky to have all of you."

The team smiled and exchanged a few words of encouragement and support, assuring Peter that they cared for him a lot

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