Try to hold it

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Little Peter. Cg bucky Steve and tony

Word count: 621

No one's pov:

Peter Parker sat in the backseat of the car, feeling antsy. He shifted around, drumming his fingers against his knees. He let out an exasperated sigh. "Are we there yet?"

Wanda, who was driving the car, laughed. "We just left five minutes ago, Peter."

"But I really gotta go to the bathroom," Peter whined, feeling his face flush with embarrassment.

Vision, who was seated next to Wanda in the front, glanced back. "We'll be at our destination soon enough. Try to hold it in, Peter," he advised.

Peter nodded, but he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it in much longer. He wasn't in control of his bladder when he slipped into Little Space, and he was quickly slipping into that state of mind.

He looked to Bucky, one of his dads who was seated next to him in the back of the car. "Daddy Bucky, I haf to go lwike right now," he whispered

Bucky's eyes widened in concern. "Wanda, can you please pull over? Peter has to use the restroom," he asked, hoping that the request would be granted.

Wanda shook her head. "We've already passed several rest stops. We're almost there anyway. He can hold it," she replied, not realizing the urgency of the situation.

Peter bit his lip, feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He knew he wasn't going to be able to hold it. "I can't, Daddy Bucky." he whimpered, already feeling the familiar warm sensation spread through his pants.

Bucky immediately knew what was happening. "Guys, we need to pull over now. Peter needs the bathroom badly now," he said urgently, but Wanda still didn't believe the situation was urgent.

Tony and Steve, who were seated in the middle of the car, looked at each other worriedly before turning to Wanda. "Please, Wanda," Steve pleaded.

Wanda didn't pull over she just laughed it off. "Peter is not a baby he can hold it for 10 more minutes calm down" Peter was already in tears, feeling overwhelmed by the embarrassment and shame of having an accident like this in public.

Bucky immediately took charge, wrapping Peter in a comforting hug. "It's okay, Peter," he said in a soothing voice. "Daddy's got you."

He looked at Steve and Tony. "Can you two take care of the luggage and check us in? I go straight to the room to clean him up."

Tony and Steve nodded, taking care of the logistics while Bucky carried Peter to the room. He quickly cleaned up the mess, slipping Peter into a onesie, and gave him a pacifier to help him calm down.

Steve and Tony showed up a few minutes later, looking relieved. Bucky pulls them aside and whispers,

"Peter had an accident in the car. He's already slipped into Little space, try to be gentle with him," he informed them, hoping to prepare them for what they were about to see.

"Is everything okay?" Steve asked, eyeing Peter with concern. Bucky nodded. "Yeah, just a little mishap. He's all clean now," he said, smoothing back Peter's hair.

Peter gave his dads a weak smile. He knew they loved him and wouldn't judge him for what had happened, but he still felt embarrassed.

Tony put a hand on Peter's head. "You okay, kiddo? We're proud of you for handling this so well," he said, hoping to boost Peter's spirits.

Peter nodded he was deep into his headspace , taking comfort in his dad's words. He cuddled up to Bucky, feeling safe and protected. Even if he had had an accident in the car, he knew he had the love and support of his family.

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