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Peter had autism and anxiety. The reporters are assholes

No one's pov:

Peter Parker was feeling really anxious about the press conference. He had autism, which made social situations like this really difficult for him. He knew that he needed his comfort teddy, Mr. Snuggles, with him to make it through.

When he got to the press conference, he tried to hide Mr. Snuggles in his backpack, but one of the reporters saw it and started to make fun of him. Peter felt his heart sink, he wanted to run away and snuggle up to Mr snuggles

But then he saw Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Bucky Barnes step up to defend him. They were all really mad at the reporters for making fun of Peter.

Steve yelled at the reporters, telling them that they had no right to make fun of Peter for having a comfort item. Tony and Bucky put their arms around Peter and comforted him.

Peter felt like he was going to cry, but he knew that he was safe with his family. They were like father and brother figures to him, and he knew that they would always have his back.

After sothe press conference was over, Steve, Tony, and Bucky took Peter out for ice cream to cheer him up. They talked about how unfair it was that people could be so mean to someone who was just trying to cope with their anxiety.

Peter felt a lot better after spending time with his friends. He knew that he wasn't alone, and that he had people who loved him just the way he was.

Word count: 274

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