Poor Peter

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Poor Peter

No one's pov:

Peter was 16 and was spending the day at the Avengers Tower with his three dads, Bucky, Steve, and Tony, along with the rest of the team. They were having a pool party, and everyone was having a great time. Peter was playing with his teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles, and was having a blast.

Suddenly, Scott Lang decided to push Peter into the pool. Peter was wearing his favorite hoodie, and he had Mr. Cuddles in his pocket. When he came up for air, he realized that Mr. Cuddles was soaking wet. He started to panic, and he couldn't stop himself from hyperventilating.

Bucky, Steve, and Tony quickly got Peter out of the pool. They could see that he was upset, and they were worried about him. Scott started calling Peter names, and Peter lost it. He started screaming and cursing at Scott, and he even hit him.

Steve was furious with Scott, and he yelled at him for being so insensitive. Meanwhile, Bucky and Tony took Peter inside to try and calm him down. Peter was still sobbing, and he couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Cuddles. He had had that teddy bear since he was born, and it had never been damaged before.

"Peter, it's okay. We're here for you," Bucky said, trying to comfort him.

"I know, but... Mr. Cuddles is ruined! He's been with me my whole life!" Peter sobbed.

"We'll get him fixed up, okay? Don't worry," Tony said, patting Peter's back.

Natasha Romanoff, who was like a mom to Peter, saw how upset he was and decided to help. She took Mr. Cuddles and went to try and fix him. Meanwhile, Clint Barton, Thor, and Bruce Banner went out and got Peter lots of new teddy bears to try and cheer him up.

While Natasha was fixing Mr. Cuddles, Peter sat on the couch with Bucky and Tony. Steve had gone back outside to deal with Scott.

"Peter, I'm sorry that happened to you. Scott was out of line," Bucky said.

Peter sniffled. "I just... I don't know what I'd do without Mr. Cuddles. He's been there for me through everything."

"We know, buddy. And we're here for you, too," Tony said.

Peter looked up at them, his eyes red from

Peter sat on the couch with After what felt like hours, Natasha came back into the room with Mr. Cuddles. Peter's heart leaped with joy when he saw his beloved teddy bear. Natasha had worked her magic, and Mr. Cuddles looked as good as new.

"Peter, look who's back!" Natasha said, holding out Mr. Cuddles.

Peter jumped off the couch and hugged Nat and saying thank you multiple times. Bucky Steve and Tony smile brightly

Word count: 460

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