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Peter is scared about Tony finding out how bad Peter's grades are and he starts having really bad anxiety. Tony finds out about Peter's


Peter's pov:

It's been 3 days of hiding my grade's from Tony it's not the easiest to hid stuff from someone who like my dad I've been having really bad anxiety about it. The waking up in intensive cold sweats, nightmares, the occasional panic attacks and the slipping into headspace. I can't handle hiding my grades it's killing me I nearly slipped in front of Tony multiple times in a day I can't slip Tony will think I'm weird anyone of the team besides Bucky I'm ready to tell him "Peter what's happening!" Clint said running in I jump out of fear I feel liquid running down my pants "Clint please get out and get Bucky please" I said crying I don't need Tony or Clint seeing me have wet pants like a toddler "sure. Sorry for scaring you" Clint said "it's okay I just really need Bucky please" I said Clint leaves I can trust Bucky not to tell Tony till I'm ready I'm so glad that Clint didn't notice "hey bud I'm here" bucky said I turn around to see Bucky holding 4 large bags of snacks "buddy what happened" he said

Bucky's pov:

Peter's pants are soaked his face is red and stained by tears I drop the bags and pull him into a bear hug he starts sobbing "Peter what happened. You gotta tell me do you want me to get tony" I said "nwo! Pwease don't he'll tink I'm weird" he said "it's okay I won't tell him" I said "Clint came in here and he scared me not on purpose I tink and I had an accident den I slip into headspace" he said I know what he was saying about slip into headspace he's a little I heard some of people in hydra used age regression as a coping mechanism it worked really well for them "it's okay buddy let's just get you cleaned up okay" I said he nods I grab his clothes from his closet sweats, tee shirt and a very very baggy hoodie he runs to his bathroom with the clothes I clean up the chair he was sitting on I get the food out and look for his little stuff I find it under his bed with a nappy, Ironman pacifier and multiple teddies. He comes out "pwease don't tink I'm weird" he said I pull him into a hug "I don't think your weird neither will tony you gotta tell him" I said "I hiding my grades because da very bad" he mumbled "they can't be that bad" I said Peter grabs a piece of paper and shows me it's covered in d's and f's Peter starts crying again "bud it's okay Tony won't be mad. Now how old are you buddy" I said he puts up 1 finger then 2 he changes it from 1 to 2 "between 1 and 2" I said he nods "can you put a diaper on please" I said he blushes and shakes his head "why buddy" I said "need welp don't want yous to see it no being rude just embarrassing" he said very embarrassed "how about tony helps you" I said "Otay" he said quietly I pick up a nappy and takes it to Tony's room "hey Bucky hey Peter what are you guys up to" tony said

Tony's pov:

Bucky closes the door. "Peter is a little he does age regression as a coping mechanism and he is very very little and scared because he thinks you'll make fun of him and think he's weird" Bucky said I feel bad that Peter would think I would make fun of him "I'm not gonna make fun of him just wanna see his little Bambi eyes" I said Peter turns around I smile he looks adorable "hi buddy how are you feeling" I said "otay ish" he said he makes grabby hands towards me "do you want a hug" Bucky said Peter nods Bucky hands Peter to me Peter giggles and babbles "how old is he Bucky" I asked "between 1 and 2" he said "do you need anything buddy" I said Peter points to the diaper Bucky's holding "do you want me to put it on you" I asked "wes pwease" Peter said "how about I get the snacks while you do that" Bucky said I nod Bucky leaves I put the diaper on Peter not looking to give some privacy and puts his pants on "all better buddy" I said he nods "can you tell me why you slipped" I said "Bucky can tell" Peter said "okay we just wait for him" I said he nods "can I call yous daddy while in headspace" Peter asked "yes of course, you can call me whatever you want" I said he smiles I smile back. Bucky walks back in with loads of snacks "hey Bucky, Peter said that you know why he slipped can you explain to me why he did" I asked "Clint came into his room and said "Peter what's happening" and it scared him to having an accident so he got changed and I brought him to you because he wouldn't let me put a diaper on him he wanted you to he was also scared about you finding out his grades were ds and fs" Bucky said I knew his been not himself lately that's why "oh buddy I'll never be mad at you because a piece of paper says you didn't do good enough for their standards" I said Peter smiles I smile to "how about we watch a movie" I said " Winnie da pooh pwease!" Peter said "yesss I love that movie" Bucky said we walk out to the lounge room and sit on the couch Peter in the middle of me and Bucky we watched the movie snuggled up with each other happily Peter was happy

Word count: 1011

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