Irondad/spiderson/bigbrobucky:its okay we are not mad

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Peters trans and he's on his period and his pad leaks through at school and he gets made fun of. Tony and Bucky comfort him

Peter's pov:

I can't believe that just happened I seriously want to not exist right now. I arrive at the compound in tears Bucky and dad standing in front of me I don't know what to do or say I've left school three hours early "please don't be mad" I said quiet as a mouse not daring to look up I don't wanna see their disappointed faces "bud we're not mad okay we just want to know what's the matter and why your so upset" Bucky said pulling me into his hold (don't. you. even. dare. to. think. this. is. sexual. or ill pull a winter soldier move on you) I love his hugs but I'm to ashamed to tell them what happened "was it that flash kid again because I will get your aunt Tasha to kick his ass again" dad said rubbing my back it's good I put a jumper around my waist

Tony's pov:

It's a bit odd that Peter has his jumper around him since it's the middle of winter it's like - 5 degrees "bud why don't you put on your jumper it's freezing" I said his face goes red tears streaming down his face faster then a cheater "hey what's the tears for spiderling" Bucky said holding him tighter I haven't seen Peter so emotional since his last period. I just connected the dots his on his period and which probably leaked poor thing "oh bud it's okay I'll get you some clothes pads heating ones to and snacks okay" I said quickly going to his room getting his stuff

Bucky's pov:

"Oh bud why didn't you say anything" I said rubbing his back while he had his head in his lap him still crying "b-b-because it's embarrassing I'm spiderman not spider pad leaking man" he said sniffing with a wobbly voice "who said that because your not just Spider-Man you Peter Parker a loving, sweet, caring, smart kid" I said he looks up me with a tear stained face he grips onto me pushing his face into my chest (don't you dare to think this is sexual or me winter soldier moves with be on you a$$) not saying a word I pull him onto my lap so it's comfortable. Tony comes back with clothes and a pile of snacks them including chips, candy, cookies, chocolate, soda, juice,popcorn and like 50 bacon sandwiches "hey look what your dad got you" I said Peter looks up at Tony he smiles "you take the pads and heating ones with the clothes to the bathroom and freshen up" Tony said Peter took the clothes and ran "thank you!" He yelled. "God that kid is so precious" Tony said "he is. That's why we protect him" I said smiling he smiles back

Peter's pov:

I quickly change I look in the mirror my stomach is bloated oh great I look like I've just eaten a whole 10 course meal but fuck it I don't care. I run back to common room to see all the snacks dad got out all organised on the table will "thank you dad and Bucky" I said eating some sweet n chilli chips and a sandwich "Peter you dad and I want to know what exactly happened at school today okay so we get our facts straight okay your not in trouble" Bucky said I feel my hands start shaking again "so um I had a presentation when I got up to walk in front of class my pad must of leaked onto to my bright blue jeans flash pointed out saying 'you not Spider-Man your spider pad leaking man' the class started laughing and calling me a confused f-faggot the teacher is transphobic and kicked me out of class so I left I'm sorry" I said trying not cry my fuckin sensitive ass is annoying "it's okay. Let's just relax and eat the food party watch movies" Tony said "party!" Bucky said I love parties here we eat play music watch movies then the next day no school because we sleep in till 12 pm "can we watch cars" I said I know it's a 'kids show' but who cares they both nod

Bucky's pov:

30 minutes into the movie Peter and tony fell asleep I'm not even gonna bother to wake them I turn down the tv and fall asleep

Word count: 764

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