Irondad/spiderson:spider traits

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Request: secretlyspider-boy


Since Peter became spider man he does this thing where he stashes food in his room  and only may knows

Tony's pov:

Peter's been acting weird lately being secretive and hiding in his room and food in the pantry is missing "have you seen Peter I haven't seen him all day and yesterday" Steve said "yea he's been hiding in his room and the food in the pantry is missing" I said "should we check on him" Bucky said I nod we all walk to Peter's room "bud is everything okay" I said he comes out from behind his bed "ye why" he said "just that you've been in your room for like nearly two days" Steve said Peter's eyes rush with panic "I just need some time for myself sorry" he said quietly "it's okay we all need that sometimes" I said "would you like us to go" Bucky said Peter nods we walk out shutting the door "I'll be with Bucky if you need me" Steve said walking to his room I go to mine I really do hope Peter is okay

Peter's pov:

I can't believe they both just saw me like this. I go back hiding behind my bed and cry my father figure tony freaking stark and captain America saw me in sweats and a hoodie and chocolate on my face my room a mess stupid parker I need to call May because I don't think I'll be able to calm down I ring out may she picks up on the first ring "hey Peter what's up how are you doing" she said "I'm not doing so good may it's spider time of the month and mr stark mr barnes and mr rogers saw me looking like shit and my rooms a mess I just don't know what to do" I said through my sobs "it's okay tony wouldn't judge you nor would Steve how about I'll call tony and explain it to him I'm sure he'll understand okay but I need you to calm down or I'm gonna come over okay" she said "may if you come over here I'll look like a big baby that depends on everybody but I do want you here" I said "it's okay to need someone I'll be there in a few minutes" she said "okay I love you may" I said "I love you too bud" she said

May's pov:

I hang up and call tony "hey tony" I said "hey may how are you" he said "I'm good Peter just call me sobbing he said you Bucky and Steve came into his room and he was a mess" I said "ye he's room was a bit messy and he stashed food in there and he chocolate over his face" he said "did you say anything mean or do anything" I said because Peter never cries like that "no we just checked on him Steve was getting worried" he said "okay well he wants me to come over and he was worried about you guys might tease him for needing me" I said "may trust me when I say this everyone needs somebody at times like how I need pepper at times after panic attacks or nightmares or when Bucky's thoughts get the better of him and he needs Steve to calm him down or when Steve has anxiety attacks Bucky's there for him we will not tease him" he said "alright I trust you I'll be over there in a minute" I said getting in the car I drive there and go inside greeted by tony we go upstairs and I go into Peter's room "Peter I'm here" I said Peter comes out from behind his bed and runs towards me and gives me a huge hug "may thank god your here. I've eaten a whole 4 bags of chips they were so good I could stop but I feel so guilty" he said through sobs "it's okay no one is mad you got hungry that happens it's okay they will understand" I said running my hand through his hair "Peter trust aunt may we're not mad" Bucky said Peter and I jump then turn around "really" Peter said "yes really" Steve said "and with the food it needed to be eaten so thank you" tony said giggling "so this happens once every month" Steve said questioning "yea I call them spider traits" Peter said "okay so when you have this once a month you eat extra food then normal" Steve said "and that means when this happens just give stark a list of things you want and need" Bucky said "yes you'll have your own fridge in here" tony said "so wonderful but I gotta head to work call see you later love buddy thanks guys" I said they all said bye to me and I left after they went back to their rooms I'm so glad Peter is surrounded by them they love him so much I can tell by the way look at they look at him the way they talk to him and the way they talk about him

Word count: 864

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