Avengers/irondad/spiderson: I didn't want you to think I'm weak

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Idea/request: secretlyspider-boy

The photo may not match the story but look how cute Peter is


Peter has autism hypersensitivity to be specific and none of the team knows until one day Peter has a really bad sensory overload (not spiderman yet) and Tony calls aunt may to see what was happening and she explains. Tony and the rest of the team gets what Peter needs and checks up on him

Peter's pov:

I already know today was going to be a bad day I woke up to my lights being on and they were way to bright then I went out to the kitchen and all the smells hit me and the lights and the talking it was to loud I just wanna curl up into a ball "morning Peter" Clint said "you look like you got hit by a bus" dad said which hurt my feelings but I wont say anything I just nod I go to the fridge to get a glass of water I place the glass on the bench and grab the jug and place that on bench as well. I go grab the glass cup but I accidentally knock it off the bench it smashes everywhere "Peter are you okay" dad said Bucky picks me up and moves me away from the glass I start crying I cover my ears "I'm sorry" I said repeating "please don't be mad" I said Nat cleans up the glass tony rushes to me "weren't not mad" dad said rubbing my back "I am you smashed a glass and didn't bother to clean it up what's wrong with you today!" Scott yelled "I-I-I didn't mean it" I stuttered out looking at the ground crying harder Bucky takes me to my room dad following "what happened buddy" Bucky said "I want may please" I begged "I'll call her do you want to go home" dad said I nod Bucky rubs my back

Tony's pov:

I call may "hey Tony what's up" may said "hey may it's Peter he wants to go home" I said "did something happen" she asked "yea he accidentally knocked over a glass cup it smashed and he hasn't stopped crying. He won't look at us. His hands keep shaking" I said "oh crap I'll be there in second" she hanging up "hey Petey she'll be here any second okay" I said he doesn't look at me he just nods "do you want to go down stairs to wait for may" Bucky said Peter once again nods "want me to carry you" Bucky said Peter nods. We all go down to the bottom floor and wait "b-Bucky can you rock me please" peter mumbled "yea buddy of course" Bucky answered doing so Bucky kept rocking peter after he fell asleep May arrives rushing inside "thanks so much for calling  I'll keep you updated okay" may said "yes please buck will you carry Peter to the car please" I said Bucky carry's Peter putting him in the backseat may drives off "do you think he will be alright" Bucky said "for once barnes I don't know" I said

16  hours later it's 12 am now

May's pov:

Peter's been crying for since we got home  8 hours his locked me out I need to found out what really happened I'm gonna text tony

May: tony are you still awake because I need to talk to you
Tin man:ye may I'm up what's up
May: it's peter his locked me out of his room what happened today specifics
Tin man :he came out of his room at 9 am looking like he got hit by a bus Clint said morning to him and I said he looked like he got hit by a bus he didn't say anything besides going to the fridge to get a drink he knocked over the glass it smashed he started crying and covering his ears and kept say I'm sorry and please don't be mad
May:what next
Tin man: I said weren't mad but Scott yelled I am you smashed a glass and didn't bother to clean it up what's wrong with you today at Peter
May:are you kidding me
Tin man: do you want me to come over
May:yea please and bring Bucky
Tin man:do you need anything
May:yea can you bring Peter's bag over please it's got his sensory needs in it
Tin man:sensory needs what are those for
May:that's for Peter to tell you just please bring it
Tin man: yes of course does you or him need food
May:some chips and chicken nuggets would be good for Peter
Tin man: you
May:same please and a apple juice for Peter please
Tin man:of course
May:thank you Tony
Tin man: hey he's my kid to basically no problem

I put my phone down still hearing Peter's sobs "hey bud tony is coming over soon and his bringing Bucky and food" I said not to loud the door unlocks Peter rushes out running to the bathroom

Bucky's pov:

I'm getting ready for bed but Tony barges in "tony it's nearly one am why are you barging in here when Stevie is asleep" I whisper shouted "it's Peter come on" he said I grab a hoodie and kiss Steve on the forehead I follow Tony to his car "so are we going to mays" I said "yea but first we're going to arbys to get curly fries then chick fil a for waffle fries then McDonald's for chicken nuggets and apple juice" tony said "can I get food to" I said he nods. 20 minutes later we arrive at May's I knock on the door may opens it "hey guys come in" she said we do so "do you have his backpack" may asked Tony nods handing it to her "I'll get Peter. sit down relax" she said we sat down at the table may comes out with Peter on her hip Peter digging his head into mays shoulder  "Peter look what you got here" may said placing him on the chair his eyes are red and puffy "t-thank you dad and Bucky" Peter said looking at the food we all eat. 30 minutes later we go to peters room because Peter made us follow him "can we have a sleepover in here please" Peter said me and tony nod "yea buddy I'll bring in the air mattresses" may said leaving the room "dad Bucky I need to tell you something can I " Peter said shakily head down "yea bud" I said rubbing his back "of course kiddo never need to ask twice" tony said "so what happened today was a sensory overload. That happens when someone has autism or have really highten senses. Today I woke knowing that today was a bad day waking up with the light on that was way to bright and the talking I could here it from my bedroom so basically what I'm trying to say I'm autistic" he said kinda rambling but I'm proud of him "buddy why didn't you say anything earlier" tony said "because......because.......because I didn't want you to think I'm weak or weird" Peter said looking at the floor "buddy we will never think your weird or weak okay we both love you so much" tony said "can I have a hug please" Peter mumbled tony and I rush up to him and cuddle him he fell asleep shortly after in our hold I get him under the covers. We both leave the room "hey guys I couldn't find any air mattresses but the couch does turn into a bed you both would have to share" may said "I'll take the floor since old tin can needs something soft" I said giggling a little "good night guys" may said handing me a pillow and blanket "night" we both said we fall asleep

Peter's pov:

I wake up and look over at my clock to see it's 5 am I hear laughter I get and change into a T shirt sweats and a very baggy hoodie. I run outside "hey bud how are you feeling" dad said hugging me "I'm feeling good just a bit tired" I said smiling "I made pancakes buddy" Bucky said giving me a plate "thank you Bucky" I said "may had to go to work early today and we also thought about you coming back to the tower today for Scott to apologise for a dick" dad said "since Steve isn't here I'll do it for him. Language" Bucky said I giggle a little and eat the pancakes I don't really wanna see him "um sure but can you be with me at the time" I mumbled "of course" Bucky said smiling "do you want to get it over with it now" dad said I nod dad grabs his keys and me and Bucky follow him to the car

No one's pov:

They arrive at the tower and go upstairs "the cry baby is back" Scott said "Scott apologise to Peter" tony said "why should I he smashed glass" Scott said "Peter didn't mean it" Bucky said "Scott I'm autistic and I had a sensory overload and I was a bit disorientated I'm sorry about the glass" Peter said "take pills then" Scott said "pills can't help" tony said Peter starts crying Bucky picks up Peter and rushes him out of the room "hey buddy it's okay Scott doesn't know anything okay" Bucky said cuddling Peter. Peter is so tired only having 4 hours of sleep so he fell asleep to Bucky rocking him Bucky puts Peter in his bed then goes out to tony "peters asleep in his room" Bucky said tony smiles they continue their day peter slept for the rest of the day

Another done


Word count: 1655

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