Little green bean

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Little Bruce is very stressed out and cg Tony makes it better

Word count: 317

No one's pov:

Bruce Banner was tired after spending hours in the lab doing science stuff to help his team. Everyone was growing impatient and starting to yell at him, causing him to get anxious. Suddenly, he fell into his headspace, a coping mechanism that made him regress to a younger age. "You need to hurry up and finish, Banner!" Steve Rogers shouted. "We don't have all day!"

"Leave him alone, Steve," Tony snapped. "Can't you see he's struggling?"

"I don't care," Steve replied. "We have a mission to complete, and we can't do it without him."

Tony knew what was happening and went to Bruce's side, picking him up and carrying him out of the lab. As they walked away, Bruce's breathing began to slow down, and he felt safe in Tony's arms. "I sowwy twony I didn't mean to swip"

"It's okay, buddy," Tony said, calming him down. "No one is going to hurt you. You're safe with me."

When they entered the bathroom, Tony noticed Bruce had wet himself. "That's okay, we'll fix it," he said, changing Bruce's diaper and putting him in a onesie covered in bears. "Now, let's go watch your favourite show and eat some chips."

Bruce smiled as he snuggled with his teddies, feeling safe and happy with Tony. "Tank yous for takin care me," he said, feeling grateful for the man who always knew how to make him feel better.

"Of course, little buddy," Tony replied, smiling down at him. "You're always safe with me."

They spent the rest of the evening watching Octonauts and eating chips, a reminder that it's okay to be little sometimes and that Tony would always be there to take care of him "you da best daddy in da world" Bruce said falling asleep that made Tony's day

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