Acceptance with issues

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No one's pov:

Peter Parker had always been a bit different from the other kids his age. He had always struggled with sensory issues, finding it difficult to handle loud noises, bright lights, and strong smells. But he had learned to cope with his issues over the years, developing a collection of comfort items that helped him feel more at ease.

His collection included a variety of items, from teddies and chew toys to fidget spinners and stress balls. He kept them hidden away in a special drawer in his room, never daring to show them to anyone for fear of being made fun of.

One day, while the rest of the team was out on a mission, Peter decided to stay behind and work on some of his school assignments. He was in the middle of writing an essay when he heard a knock on his door.

"Hey, Peter, can we come in?" Tony Stark's voice called out from the other side.

Peter's heart started to race as he quickly hid his comfort items away in his drawer. He had never told anyone about his sensory issues before, and he didn't want anyone to find out.

"Uh, sure, come on in," he called back, trying to sound as casual as possible.

As soon as the door opened, Peter knew that he was in trouble. The rest of the team had brought back a bunch of new gadgets and weapons from their mission, and they were all eager to show them off to Peter.

But as they started to demonstrate their new toys, Peter felt himself getting more and more overwhelmed. The noise was too loud, the lights were too bright, and the smells were too strong. He tried to hold it together, but eventually he couldn't take it anymore.

He ran out of the room, tears streaming down his face, and locked himself in his own room. He could hear the rest of the team outside, trying to get in, but he was too scared to let them in.

That's when Bucky Barnes arrived. He had always been somewhat of an outsider himself, so he knew how it felt to be different from everyone else. He knocked softly on Peter's door, offering him some junk food that he had picked up on the way.

At first, Peter was hesitant to let Bucky in. He didn't want to be seen as weak or vulnerable. But eventually he relented, opening the door just a crack to let Bucky in.

Bucky sat down next to Peter, offering him some of the junk food and asking him what was wrong. Peter hesitated at first, but eventually he opened up to Bucky about his sensory issues and how he had been struggling to cope with them.

Bucky listened intently, nodding along and offering words of encouragement. He told Peter that he wasn't alone, and that there were other people out there who struggled with the same things that he did.

As they talked, Peter started to feel more and more at ease. He realized that it was okay to be different, and that there was nothing wrong with needing a little extra help sometimes.

The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon together, playing video games and chatting about their favorite movies and TV shows. By the time the rest of the team came back from their mission, Peter was feeling much better.

He even showed them his collection of comfort items, explaining how they helped him feel more at ease when he was feeling overwhelmed. To his surprise, the rest of the team was supportive and understanding, and even shared some of their own struggles with him.

From that day on, Peter felt like he had a new family in the Avengers. He knew that he could always count on them to be there for him, no matter what challenges he might face.

And whenever he felt overwhelmed or anxious, he would reach into his drawer and pull out one of his comfort items, reminding himself that he was never alone

Jarvis helps so much request please I'm begging

Word count:693

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