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School bullies are mean

No one's pov:

Sure, I can write a fanfic about Steve and Tony being dads to Peter Parker!

Peter was only five years old, but he was already facing the harsh realities of the world. He was being bullied at school, teased and taunted by the other kids for being different. It broke Steve and Tony's hearts to see their little boy in so much pain.

One day, when Peter came home from school with tears in his eyes, Steve and Tony knew that they had to do something. They sat down with him at the kitchen table and asked him what was wrong.

Peter sniffled and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "The kids at school don't like me," he said. "They say I'm weird because I like science and superheroes."

Steve and Tony exchanged a look. They knew all too well what it was like to be different and misunderstood. They also knew that they had to be there for Peter, to support him and encourage him no matter what.

"Peter, listen to me," Tony said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You are special, and you are loved. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Steve nodded. "We're your dads, and we'll always be here for you. We love you just the way you are, and we're so proud of you."

Peter looked up at them with wide eyes, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He knew that he was lucky to have two dads who loved him so much.

From that day on, Steve and Tony made sure to be there for Peter whenever he needed them. They helped him with his science experiments, took him on superhero missions, and even brought him to work with them at the Avengers Tower.

And whenever Peter felt down or alone, they were there to remind him that he was loved and valued. They hugged him tight and whispered words of encouragement, telling him that he wascapable of anything he set his mind to.

With Steve and Tony by his side, Peter knew that he could overcome anything. The bullies at school might try to bring him down, but he had a family that loved him unconditionally, and that was all that mattered

I frickin love Jarvis

Word count: 386

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