Stucky: i dont like the nickname

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Bucky is on the chubby side of the body shapes and everyone (except Sam and Steve) call him chubbs no one knows that makes him uncomfortable until now

Steve's pov:

Bucky has been acting weird all day the not eating I mean he loves his plums but hasn't eaten one at all he also has been distancing himself from me and everybody else "hey cap what's up with chubbs he seems not like himself" Tony said everyone nods "I don't know he just been distant" I said putting my hands my forehead "Friday show video footage of where Bucky Barnes is" Tony requested Friday pulled up the footage everyone in the room put their hands over their mouths "come on Steve" Sam said we both run to Bucky. We see Bucky curled up into a ball "hey baby boy what's the matter" I said crouching down to his level "everybody keeps calling me chubbs but I'm not that fat am I because I've trying really hard not to gain more weight I've really tried believe I have but please tell me does it look like I have gained more weight " he said hiccuping and sobbing I've never seen him so upset "oh baby it doesn't matter what you look like okay your so beautiful" I said trying to hold back tears "no not at all buck it's okay to eat lots of food" Sam said sitting on the floor "yea and I'll tell the team know not to call you chubbs anymore okay now can I cuddle you" I said hoping he does wanna cuddle

Bucky's pov:

I scramble into his arms it feels so comfortable he stands up holding me I always feel safe around Stevie and Sam them two always make life easier "so you know how Friday can show video footage of rooms when Tony asks" Steve said I nod "so Tony asked Friday to do that and the team saw you crying" Steve said at this point I don't care "oh well" I said digging my head into Steve's neck "alright let's go out to the team" Sam said Steve and him walk out to the common room "Capsicle Birdman and chubbs good to see you now can you explain where you were crying Bucky" Tony said I start crying again god not now "woah what's that matter metal arm man" Thor said I lift my head "I don't like it when you all call me chubbs it makes me insecure so could you stop please " I said all their faces drop "we're sorry Bucky we didn't know" Nat said giving me a pat on the back "We are all very sorry Bucky how about we get you a plums or whatever you want" Bruce said "PLUMS" I said jumping out of Steve's arms and jumping up and down on the ground like a toddler that gets candy for the first time in ages "I'll get the plums" Tony said going to the kitchen I love plums not as much as I love Steve though. Tony walks back in with a box of plums "YESS PLUMMMMS" I said running over to him taking the box out of his hand and run to my room "Bucky what do you say!" Steve shouted "Thank you Tony!" I shouted back

No one's pov:

Bucky munches on the box of plums "god he loves his plums doesn't he" Sam said laughing the whole team laugh as well "not as much as he loves me though" Steve said. For the rest of the day Bucky and Steve chilled and ate plums that was mostly Bucky while the rest of the team trained but at the end of the day Bucky truly loves his plums and Steve

Hey I did this one because I relate lot and since everyone knows that Sebastian Stan has body dysmorphia and I also made a EvanStsn one shot of this so I thought I should make a stucky version

Word count: 664

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