Everyone has nightmares sometimes

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Peter and nightmares don't mix

Word count: 730

No one's pov:

Peter had been having nightmares for a few weeks now, but he didn't want to tell anyone. He thought he was too old to have nightmares, especially since he was a superhero. However, the nightmares were getting worse and he was starting to feel tired all the time. One day, he was so exhausted that he fell asleep in the common room while watching TV.

Steve, Bucky, and Tony noticed how tired Peter looked and they started to worry. They asked him if he was okay, but Peter just shrugged and said he was fine. However, they could tell something was wrong.

Bucky decided to talk to Peter alone. "Hey, kiddo. I know something's bothering you. You can tell me anything, you know that right?" he said, gently.

Peter hesitated for a moment before finally opening up. "I've been having nightmares, but I don't want to tell anyone because I'm embarrassed," he admitted.

Bucky put his arm around Peter's shoulder. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Peter. Everyone has nightmares sometimes. We're here to help you," he said.

Steve and Tony joined them and they all talked about what they could do to help Peter. Tony suggested buying him some comfort items like teddies, night lights, and a weighted blanket. Steve suggested letting Peter sleep in their bed for a while. Bucky suggested giving Peter more cuddles.

Peter listened to their suggestions and thought they sounded nice. "Thanks, guys. That means a lot to me," he said, smiling.

Steve ruffled Peter's hair. "Of course, kiddo. We're always here for you," he said.

Tony took out his phone. "Let's go shopping for some comfort items. Peter, you can pick out whatever you want," he said.

Peter's eyes lit up. "Really? That sounds awesome!" he said, excitedly.

They all got up and headed to the mall. Peter was having so much fun picking out his new teddy and looking at all the night lights. He felt happy for the first time in a while.

When they got back to the tower, they set up the night lights and gave Peter his new teddy and weighted blanket. Peter was so grateful for all the love and support his dads were giving him.

"Thanks so much, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you," he said, smiling.

Bucky hugged Peter. "You don't have to thank us, Peter. We love you and we support you no matter what" Bucky said

Peter smiled and hugged Bucky back. "I love you guys too," he said.

Tony put his arm around Peter's shoulder. "You know, kiddo, it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. We all have fears and anxieties, but it's important to talk about them and get help when we need it," he said.

Peter nodded. "I know. It's just hard to admit when I'm scared," he said.

Steve put his hand on Peter's arm. "We understand, Peter. But we're here to support you no matter what," he said.

Peter felt a warm feeling in his chest. He was so lucky to have such amazing dads who loved him unconditionally.

Over the next few weeks, Peter's nightmares started to decrease thanks to the comfort items and his dads' love and support. He felt more rested and less anxious. He also started to open up more about his feelings and fears.

One day, he decided to thank his dads for everything they had done for him. He made them a special dinner and decorated the common room with balloons and streamers.

When they walked in, they were surprised by the decorations and the delicious smell of food. Peter ran up to them and hugged them one by one.

"Thank you guys so much for helping me through my nightmares. I couldn't have done it without you," he said.

Bucky ruffled Peter's hair. "You don't have to thank us, kiddo. We're just happy to see you feeling better," he said.

Tony smiled. "Besides, we love your cooking," he joked.

Steve laughed. "Yeah, you're becoming quite the chef," he said.

Peter blushed. "Thanks, guys. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you," he said.

They all sat down to eat and talked about their day. Peter felt happy and content. He knew that no matter what happened, his dads would always be there for him.

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