Shitty caregiver

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Peter has a not so nice boyfriend and he is a bad caregiver towards Peter. Peter's dad's save the day

Word count: 371

No one's pov:

Peter Parker had always struggled with anxiety, but since discovering age regression, he found it easier to cope. But his boyfriend Josh did not understand.

"Why do you have to wear diapers and play with toys? Your almost 17," Josh would complain.

One day, when Peter was in little space, he had an accident.

"Pwease Josh, tan yous change me?" Peter pleaded.

"No way. That's disgusting," Josh sneered.

As Peter sobbed, holding his teddy bear, his dad's Bucky, Tony, and Steve arrived.

"What's going on here?" Steve asked.

"I had an accident, Josh won't cwean me up," Peter explained.

Steve's eyes narrowed. "Josh, how could you treat Peter like this?"

"It's gross," Josh argued.

"You're not understanding, Josh. Age regression helps Peter deal with his anxiety," Bucky added.

While Steve and Tony dealt with Josh, Bucky comforted Peter.

"Shh, it's okay, baby. Dada's got you," Bucky cooed.

Bucky took Peter to the back of the car and Tony and Steve drove home Bucky took peter to his room and changed him into a clean diaper and a onesie covered in dinosaurs.

Meanwhile, Steve and Tony made Peter's favorite dinner, sweet potato fries, and chicken nuggets.

Peter was to deep into his headspace to feed himself "papa tan you fed me pwease" Peter said "of course sweetheart" Steve said he fed Peter, and they all played with Peter's teddies "what's his name Peter" steve asked "bubs" Peter said until it was time for bed.

Tony took Peter to bed, tucking him in and reading him a story.

But in the middle of the night, Peter had a nightmare and woke up crying.

"Papa, daddy, dada?" Peter called out between sobs.

Immediately, all three of them rushed to Peter's room to comfort him.

"Shh, baby boy. We're here," Bucky said as he cradled Peter.

"We love you, Peter," Tony whispered.

"And we'll always be here for you," Steve promised.

And as Peter drifted back to sleep, he knew that he was safe and loved by his dads. They understood him, and that was all that mattered.

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