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Bucky is an older brother figure to Peter since he is a little and Peter had a really bad day at school so Bucky treated him to a afternoon filled with food

Peter's pov:

I arrive home bawling my eyes out wanting to slip and Bucky and custard "hey buddy what's the matter" mr stark said I look up to him tears dripping to the floor "I want Bucky please mr stark" I said voice shaking like a trees in the wind I hear footsteps coming towards me I turn around to see Bucky "Bucky!" I said running into his arms sobbing "hey Peter what's the matter" he said cuddling me "miss smith dead named me again then I got in trouble for misspelling something I didn't mean it" I said I just want custard now he picks me up and takes me to his/my room he puts on his queen bed "it's okay Pooh bear would you like custard" Bucky said going to my bed I nod he hands me custard I clutch onto him "it's okay bub she is a meanie" he said I nod

Bucky's pov:

"Would you like to go get some ice cream then dinner then more dessert" I said trying to cheer him up "I don't feel like going out if it's okay" Peter said looking ashamed poor thing "that's okay there's no need to be ashamed okay. Are you feeling little?" I asked because I know when he is needing to slip "wes" he said in his cute little voice "how old are you bear" I asked so I know what he needs "tree" he said holding up three fingers. I quickly get his little bag and pull out a pull up "here you go" I said giving it to him he goes to the shared bathroom we have I get out some comfy clothes for him and throw it over the door "tank yous" he said I smile I love his cute voice he is so precious and adorable. Peter comes out giggling "what's so funny" I asked "dat the pull up is Winnie da Pooh" he said blushing covering his mouth afterwards he always does that when he blushes "would you like to go eat ice cream now?" I asked him he nods super fast I pick him up and take him out to the common room we get startled by the team all holding ice cream "we all heard how you wanted treat Peter with ice cream so we all got ice cream and Friday will order food for us then we can eat dessert" Natasha said smiling "buddy look what they all got you say thank you please" I said Peter jumps down and runs up to them trying hug them all at once which is cute "tank yous all!" He said in his cute little voice "aww bud are you little" Tony said Peter's face goes red and he nods "it's okay we're not mad buddy" Steve said smiling "tan we eat it now?" Peter said softly we all nod Peter smiles and grabs Oreo and mint he loves it everyone eats "I love ice cream so much" Peter said "more then Bucky?" Scott said as a joke I think

Peter's pov:

I don't know what to say I start crying guilt running through my whole body "no I wuv Bucky more!" I shouted everyone stars at me they must not believe me "I really do though pwease be be believe me I do Bucky I really do wuv yous" I said tears streaming down my cheeks Bucky picks me up "I know you do buddy Scott was just joking" he said "bu it was no funny no one laughing" I said "I wasn't joking I was asking a question I thought when he regressed his smartness would stay I guess not" Scott said coldly I start crying harder uncle  Steve takes me to my room and Bucky starts yelling "hey it's okay buddy Bucky is just a little upset how about we just relax in here" he said I nod "uncle steeb am I stupid" I said "no of course not your you Peter, smart, adorable and such a good little Bucky loves you so much we all do" uncle Steve said "uncle steeb I sleepy may I sleep" I said I can't sleep without Bucky singing and him cuddling me "yea you can do you need anything" he said "Bucky cuddles" I said "I'll get him just wait here" he said going out I hear yelling I get really scared I start shaking losing control of my bladder happens a lot when I'm scared and that just happened I want Bucky and out of my sticky clothes the pull up leaked I go out to nthe common room everyone is yelling "Bucky" I said everyone looks at me "oh buddy" Bucky said "uncle steeb said to wait but I got to scared I sowwy for not listening to yous" I said Bucky picks me up "it's okay his not mad at you okay. Let's just get you cleaned up. Thanks guys for the ice cream wanna do this tomorrow. I'll just get this one to sleep and myself good night" Bucky said everyone nods "nigh nigh everybody" I said waving they all wave back and saying good night Bucky takes me back to our room and uncle Steve comes with us since Bucky and him are dating he comes with us everywhere which is super cool. Bucky cleans me up and changes me into a nightmare diaper,hoodie and sweatpants "so where are you sleeping tonight buddy" uncle Steve said "yous bed pwease" I said they both nod I grab custard off my bed and get in the middle of them we all fall asleep

Just adorable little Peter

Word count: 978

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