Stony/peter:Meeting Howard Stark

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The photo may not match the story but it's cute


Tony and Steve are Peter parents and Howard meets peter. Peter's very sensitive, autistic and shy him being only 4

Tony's pov;

Today is the dad Peter meets my father which he is very excited about but I'm worried that Howard is going to be straight forward, old fashioned and snappy like usual "babe your dad is here" Steve said from outside the our bedroom. I pick up Peter and carry him out "ready buddy" I asked him "yea daddy I'm gonna meet grandpa" he said smiling holding his little giraffe named custard. "Tony who's this little man" Howard said looking confused "dad this Peter Steve and I's son" I said "h-hi g-grandpa" peter stuttered out he only stutters when nervous or meeting someone new "speak proper boy like a man not a wuss" Howard said coldly not even a minute them to met and Peter has tears in his eyes "mr stark please be careful with Peter he is autistic and very sensitive" Steve said "he's never going to be a real man if he's got autism or carrying a stupid stuffed animal" Howard said "custard is not stupid da only stupid is yous saying dat" Peter said I chuckle Steve laughs too "I'm starving what's there to eat" my dad said going to the kitchen looking through it like he owns the place classic Howard

Steve's pov:

Peter has been acting a bit odd he keeps squirming he only does it when he needs the bathroom "can I hold Peter" Howard said "I don't see the problem" tony said handing Peter to him. Half a hour later Howard and Peter are sitting and watching football Peter still squirming "stop squirming boy" Howard said holding him firmly "I need da bathroom" Peter said Howard starts yelling for some reason "hey what's the matter" I said getting up walking towards him so does Tony "your slow son fuckin pissed himself on me!" Howard shouted Peter starts crying "I didn't mean it I did say I needed da bathroom" Peter said through sobs "oh bub come here" Tony said picking Peter up "I'm sorry grandpa" Peter whimpered digging his head into Tony's shoulder "as you should be" Howard said "dad he didn't mean it please don't be mad it's not his fault" tony said taking him to our bedroom "can I get you some spear pants" I said praying he doesn't say anything snarky "when you and my son lose weight I'll consider borrowing pants from you" he said looking at me up and down "look I understand that tony takes your snarky ass but I don't and when especially you make fun of my son when he can't control something okay so back off of Peter please" I said he looks shock which I'm surprised "I'm leaving this shit hole tell tony to get your slow son some diapers" he semi yelled walking out. Tony walks through by himself looking not impressed "hey what's the matter love" I said I could see the tears in his eyes "Peter heard Howard now he's sobbing and doesn't want anybody" he said with his hand on the bridge of his nose. I look around to see if there's anything that could calm down Peter and I see custard I quickly pick it up and run to where is tony following "Petey baby I got you custard would like to hold him" I said Peter got up walking over to me slowly pants still soaked, red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks "daddy, papa am I slow?" He whispered "no not at all baby don't listen to grandpa okay he's old fashioned okay" tony said Peter gives a small smile and makes grabby hands towards me "up pwease" he said quietly with puppy dog eyes how could I say no to that face I pick him up I couldn't care if his pants are wet

Peter's pov

Papa cleans me up after that we are all in the living room together daddy's cleaning the couch "daddy papa can I ask yous some tin" I said digging my head into papa's neck "yea for course you can" daddy said "anytime bub" papa said "can I tay in yous room tonight" I said praying they say yes "of course you can" papa said "you know what tonight is" daddy said "it's cookies and milk night!" Papa said daddy starts tickling me I try to stop him but I couldn't I burst into a laughing fit then I feel something warm running down legs "oh petey pie" papa said I start sobbing "I sowwy!" I said "no no petey it's not your fault I should of stop tickling you earlier" daddy said "papa I sowwy for wetting you" I said choking through sobs "it's okay there's no need to be upset or sorry it was an accident" papa said taking me to my room he cleans me up then grabs a package out of my closet it's a package of diapers "papa pwease I don't wanna wear them pwease" I said crying "I know you don't but we did have a deal that if you have more then 1 accidents in one day back in diapers" papa said I nod "can it be the Mickey Mouse pwease" I said because if I'm gonna agree to wear them he puts it one me then we go to his and daddy's room "hey my favourite boys look I got" daddy said showing off the cookies and milk there's chocolate milk to

No one's pov:

Steve places Peter on the bed Peter goes straight for the Oreo's and dips them in chocolate milk "tank yous daddy and papa" Peter said sleepily while finishing the Oreo and leaning onto Tony his eyes got heavy and he was out like a light "Steve get a photo please" Tony said Steve doing so and cleaning up the bed he cuddles up to Peter so Peter is in the middle of Tony they both fall asleep. No nightmares no attacks no nothing just peaceful sleeping

Word count: 1027

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