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Just a lil sad but mostly fluff

Word count: 572

No one's pov:

Once upon a time, Peter Parker was invited to spend the night at his best friend Ned's house. They stayed up late playing video games and watching movies, but eventually, they both fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Peter had a terrible nightmare. In his sleep, he cried out "dada papa daddy save me from the bad men." Ned woke up and saw that Peter was crying and shaking. He tried to wake him up, but Peter wouldn't stop crying and begging for his dads Steve, Tony, and Bucky. Ned knew he had to call them.

Ned picked up his phone and dialed Steve's number. "Steve, it's Ned. Peter's having a nightmare and he's crying for you guys. Can you come get him?" Steve, Tony, and Bucky immediately jumped into action. They got dressed, hopped in the car, and drove to Ned's house.

When they arrived, they saw Peter rocking back and forth, holding his teddy bear, Tigger. He was still crying and begging for his dads to save him. Steve, Tony, and Bucky comforted him and told him that they were there to protect him.

"Hey buddy, it's okay. We're here now. You're safe," Steve said, wrapping his arms around Peter.

Tony sat down next to Peter and put his hand on his back. "Do you want to talk about your nightmare, Peter?"

Peter shook his head and buried his face in Steve's shoulder. "I don't want to talk about it. It was so scary."

Bucky sat down on the other side of Peter and rubbed his back. "That's okay, Peter. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. We're just glad you're okay."

Peter sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you guys up."

Tony smiled. "You don't have to apologize, Peter. We're your dads. We're here to take care of you."

Steve stood up and picked up Peter. "Let's get you out of here and go get some food. How about some McDonald's?"

Peter nodded and hugged Tigger tighter. "Can we get cokes and McFlurrys and fries?"

"Of course," Bucky said, ruffling Peter's hair. "Whatever you want, buddy."

They all got in the car and drove to McDonald's. Peter was still a little shaken up, but he was happy

After they finished their McDonald's meal, Steve, Tony, and Bucky took Peter back to their apartment. They sat him down on the couch and turned on the TV, hoping to distract him from his nightmare. However, Peter was still feeling scared and didn't want to be alone.

"Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" he asked, looking up at his dads with big, pleading eyes.

Steve, Tony, and Bucky looked at each other and then back at Peter. "Of course, buddy," Steve said, picking him up and carrying him to their bedroom.

Tony got Peter's pajamas out of his bag, and Bucky got him a glass of water. They all got changed and crawled into bed together. Peter snuggled between Steve and Tony, holding Tigger tightly.

"Are you feeling better, Peter?" Bucky asked, stroking his hair.

Peter nodded, yawning. "Yeah, I feel safe with you guys."

Steve kissed the top of Peter's head. "We'll always protect you, Peter. You don't have to be scared."

Peter closed his eyes and fell asleep, feeling safe and loved.

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