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Little Tony is stressed out but Caregiver Bruce saves the day

Word count: 725

No one's pov:

Tony Stark sat at his desk, staring blankly at the computer screen in front of him. His head was pounding and his eyes felt heavy as if he had been up for days. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on the mission reports he needed to finish. But the more he tried to concentrate, the harder it became.

"Tony, what's taking so long?" Natasha Romanoff asked, leaning over his shoulder to get a better look at his screen.

Tony winced at her tone and shifted in his seat. "I'm almost done, just give me a few more minutes."

She rolled her eyes and stood up straight. "We don't have a few more minutes. Fury needs those reports ASAP."

Tony felt the familiar pang of fear grip his chest. He knew he had to finish the reports or face the consequences. But the pressure was too much for him to handle. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he was feeling so small. He gasped in realization.

He was in his headspace, a coping mechanism he used when he felt overwhelmed or afraid. Normally, he would slip into the headspace age 2, but today it was different. He felt small and vulnerable, and tears started to stream down his face.

"Tony, what's wrong?" Steve Rogers asked, his voice filled with concern.

But Tony couldn't pull himself out of the headspace. He was too far gone. He tried to talk, but all that came out were childish whimpers and cries. The others in the room grew frustrated and started to yell at him to pull himself together.

"Stark just hurry up!"

"Stop being a baby"

"Nick is going to be more mad then we are"

Tony couldn't help it. The yelling only made things worse. He felt like he was drowning, and he couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Suddenly, he felt something warm and wet spreading through his pants. He looked down and saw that he had wet himself. He gasped, mortified, and tried to defend himself "Please guys I'm trying", but it only made things worse. They kept yelling, and the more they did, the harder he cried.

But just when Tony thought he couldn't take it anymore, Bruce Banner rushed into the room. Bruce was Tony's caregiver, and he knew exactly how to handle situations like this.

"Leave Tony alone guys your stressing him out" Bruce said as he scooped Tony up in his arms and carried him out of the room, ignoring the protests of the others "Bruce you can't just take him away when he acts like a baby!" .

He took Tony to his floor and changed him into a diaper and a onesie with rockets on it. Tony giggled at the sight of the onesie and forgot about his earlier distress "tank yous papa" Tony said smiling "no problem baby" Bruce said.

Bruce played with Tony, building towers out of blocks and playing with stuffed animals. They watched movies and had the best snacks ever. Tony felt safe and happy, and he knew that everything was going to be okay "you da best papa in the world papa" Tony said "your the best baby in the world baby" Bruce said .

Soon enough, Tony felt himself coming out of his younger headspace. "I think I should get back to work so nick doesn't get mad" Tony said "are you sure Tony" Bruce said concerned "yea I'm sure" Tony said giving a weak smile

He took a deep breath and returned to his work, feeling much more at ease than before. The mission reports didn't seem as daunting anymore, and he felt confident that he could get them done in no time.

From that day on, Tony no longer felt ashamed of his age regression headspace. He knew it was a part of him, and that was okay. He made sure to take care of himself and use his coping mechanism when he needed it, and he knew that Bruce would be there to support him every step of the way.

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