Sleeperover nightmare

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Peter and Ned have a sleepover and Peter has a horrible nightmare

Word count:287

No one's pov:

Peter Parker had been desperate for a break from his superhero duties, and a sleepover at his best friend Ned's house had sounded like the perfect way to unwind. The evening had been great; they had watched movies, played video games, and had eaten lots of junk food.

But during the middle of the night, Peter had a really bad nightmare. He thrashed around in his sleep, and before he knew it, he had a huge accident. Ned woke up, confused and frightened, before realizing what had happened. He jumped out of bed and called one of Peter's dads, Bucky, who immediately woke up his two lovers, Steve and Tony, Peter's other two dads.

All three of them rushed to Ned's house, where they found Peter still asleep, soaked and ashamed. Tony gently shook him awake while Steve wrapped him in a blanket, hugging him close and whispering soothing words. Peter started to sob and apologized to Ned multiple times, but he didn't care; all he wanted was for Peter to be okay.

Steve decided to take Peter back home to the Avengers Tower, and they all rushed out with a sleeping Peter in Steve's arms. Bucky cleaned up Peter while Tony got the couch ready for movie night, and Steve ordered all of Peter's favorite fast foods. Finally, they all cuddled on the couch, watching movies as Peter cuddled with his big Tigger teddy from Winnie the Pooh. They ate all the good food happily and made sure Peter felt safe and loved. The nightmare couldn't hurt him now; not with his dads around to protect him.

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