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Peter being very insecure about a few things

No one's pov:

I always feel like people are looking at me. Judging me. That's why I wear baggy clothes, to hide my body. I don't want anyone to see me. I don't want to be the center of attention.

But today, someone finally asked me why.

"Why do you wear such baggy jeans?" Scott asked.

I didn't say anything. I just froze. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to talk about it.

But then Scott tackled me to the ground as a joke, and my stuffed bunny fell out of my pocket. I grabbed it quickly, hoping no one saw.

But of course they did. They started making fun of me, calling me a baby, saying I was too old for stuffed animals. I felt so embarrassed. So ashamed. I wanted to disappear.

I tried to get up and run away, but Scott blocked my path. "What's the matter, baby? You gonna cry?" he taunted.

I felt tears stinging my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of them. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

But then Bucky, Steve, and Tony stepped in. They told Scott to stop, that he was being mean. They hugged me and told me that it was okay to like stuffed animals, that it was okay to be myself.

And then they brought out the junk food and new teddies. We all sat around eating and laughing and having a good time. I felt so much better. I felt like I had a family, people who cared about me no matter what.

Bucky put his arm around me. "Listen, kid, we all have things we're insecure about. It's okay to be cautious about your looks. But you don't have to hide. You're perfect just the way you are."

Steve nodded. "And we're always here for you, no matter what. You're part of our family now."

Tony grinned. "And if anyone messes with you, they'll have to answer to the three of us."

I felt a warmth spreading through my chest. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I belonged. I felt like I had people who cared about me.

And as we sat there, eating junk food and cuddling our new teddies, I realized that I didn't need to be afraid anymore. I could be myself, and that was enough.

From that day on

Word count: 412

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