Iron dad/spider son:new coping mechanisms

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Tony founds out Peter self harms and Peter didn't want Tony to found out basically a shit ton of fluff and lots I mean lots sobbing also Uncle Steve and uncle Bucky

Tony's pov:

I just found Peter's blades I should of known he wasn't in a good mindset I'm not mad at him all I want to do is help him. Peter walks in upset oh "Peter what's the matter" I asked him he didn't say anything just ran into my arms sobbing "I didn't know what to do" he said gripping onto my shirt I sit back down so him and I can be comfortable "I thought cutting was the only way to not feel numb but I was wrong I was so wrong please don't kick me out" he rambled into my neck I started to rub circles on his back "I'm not gonna kick you out I'm going to get you the help you need. I just need you to tell me what's been bothering you to stress/upset you enough to cut and cutting isn't bad it's a coping mechanism" I said reassuring him "it's the torture from hydra then uncle Ben dying my arms then may. It's like flashbacks then nightmares then it feels like my heart is beating 10 times faster" he said gripping my shirt even tighter I know what he is describing ptsd and I know the best people for him to talk to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes "that sounds a lot like ptsd bud and I know the best people to talk to uncle Steve and uncle Bucky they went through lots stuff and they would be very helpful if you talk to them" I said he looks up at me and nods. I wipe away his tears I stand up still hold Peter till he stands "well their not busy now so would you like to now" I ask him hoping he says yes he nods getting on his feet "Friday please call Bucky and Steve in here please" I asked Friday "yes of course" she said 2 minutes later they both walk in "what's up tones" Steve said "I'll let peter explain call me back when you want" I said walking out of the room

Peter's pov:

"What's been up with you Peter you seem a bit uneasy" Bucky asked I let out a shaky breath "dad said what I've been describing my thoughts, issues and feelings is ptsd he also said you to are the best to talk to" I said they both look at each other then back at me "oh bud come on let's sit down on the bed" Steve said sitting on the bed me and Bucky follow "so what's been going on in that big brain of yours" Bucky said I gotta do this "I've been cutting myself so I don't feel numb and the thoughts would pause please don't judge" I said breathing out hands shaking "oh doll we won't judge you bud, we both know what it feels like the urges the numb" Steve said I feel a lot calmer Bucky runs his metal hand through my hair "and I just got the things to help you, you two just wait here" Bucky said getting up and ducking out "so like your not mad" I said I can't have them mad at me "Peter trust me when I say this we are not mad at you no one will be" Steve said pulling me into a hug I love hugs

Bucky's pov:

I walk back into Tony's room with Steve's and I's sensory container filled that everything that comforts and calms us down "what's that uncle Bucky" Peter asked I place the container down "this, this is Steve's and I's sensory container filled with things that calms us down" I said waiting to see his response "and I think if I show you things you might use to help yourself" I said
opening the container "have a look through" Steve said Peter pulls out a box of springs he gets one out and plays with it while still looking through container then he pulls out a blue stress ball "I really like these two do you think you two could help me buy stuff online" Peter asked "yes of course bud now how about tell Tony he would love to know that we've helped you" I said Steve nods going out the room to get Tony "uncle Bucky can I have a hug" Peter asked me I nod him runs into my arms I run my hands through his hazelnut brown curly hair. Steve and Tony walk in the both take a photo on their phones "hey not fair" Tony said Peter runs to give him a hug "what about me" Steve said putting his hand over his heart "you got one before" Peter said grinning god that kid kills me "so Steve is telling me that you found some coping mechanisms" Tony said

No one's pov:

Peter smiles "uncle Bucky and uncle Steve showed their sensory container filled with things that comfort them and they let me look through it and I found two things that I really think they would help it's a box of springs and a stress ball I was thinking of having a protocol for mental health like if someone is having a panic attack or anxiety attack or sensory overload Friday will automatically dim the lights shut the curtains call somebody on their emergency contact so say for Bucky would call Steve vice versa" Peter said Tony Steve and Bucky look at him with in amazement "that would be good I'll set up the protocol right now. While I do that you three go online and buy the sensory items" Tony said going to the lab. Steve, Bucky and Peter go to Peter's computer and buy the things and Tony sets up the protocol

Another done and dusted I'm thinking of making a part 2 of this using the protocol if you guys wanna read that

Word count: 1016

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