Creep up on him

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Steve's a little and he's in a meeting

Word count: 570

No one's pov:

Steve clutches his head in his hand and bites his lip hard, trying to keep himself focused. The meeting has been going on for nearly an hour, and his headspace is starting to creep up on him. Bucky, seated beside him, notices the signs and gives Steve's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"All right, team," Tony calls out. "I think that just about covers everything. Unless anyone has any other points to add?"

"Nope, I think we're good," Clint says, pushing himself up from his chair. "I've got a date with my bow and arrow, see you guys later."

"Later, Barton," Tony says absentmindedly, already tapping away on his tablet. Sam and Bruce follow suit, nodding their goodbyes.

Natasha leans over to Steve and places a hand gently on his shoulder. "You okay, Stevie?"

He nods back, not daring to say anything. His voice is too fragile right now, too trembly to speak.

Bucky stands up, pulling Steve gently to his feet. "We'll see you guys later," he says, nodding at the remaining Avengers.

Suddenly, Steve stops in his tracks, his legs trembling beneath him. He feels a hot rush of shame wash over him – he's wet himself, and there's nothing he can do about it.

His face flushes bright red as he looks around the room, searching desperately for a way out. But it's too late – the others have already smelled it, already noticed the dark patch on the back of Steve's pants.

Tony is the first to make a comment, snickering under his breath. "You gotta be shitting me, Rogers?"

Thor and Scott  join in, exchanging mocking smiles. Even nick looks on in dismay.

Bucky, on the other hand, feels his hackles rise. This is exactly what Steve had been afraid of – being humiliated in front of the people he considers his family.

He steps in front of Steve protectively, shielding him from the venomous words of his teammates. "Would you all shut the hell up?" he snaps. "Jesus, he's just had a little accident, it happens to the best of us, it's not like he planned it what if it was you how would you feel bloody assholes."

He reaches out to take Steve's hand, lacing their fingers together. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

There are murmurs of disbelief from the others, but Bucky doesn't care. His main concern is getting Steve the hell out of here – before he slips even further into his headspace.

He leads Steve up the stairs and into their quarters, setting him down on the bed before retreating into the bathroom. He returns with a warm washcloth and a fresh pair of underwear, kneeling in front of Steve to clean him up.

"It's okay, baby," he murmurs. "You're safe here, nobody's gonna hurt you."

Steve sniffles, fresh tears slipping down his face. "I'm supposed to be Captain America," he sobs. "Not baby America."

Bucky's heart breaks at the words, but he refuses to let Steve dwell on them. Instead, he pulls him into his arms, curling up with him on the bed and surrounding him with comfort.

"You're not baby America," he says firmly. "You're Steve Rogers, and it's okay to be a little but no matter who you are. And if anyone has a problem with that... they're gonna have to go through me first."

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