The track holds my greatest love (4)

249 27 13

Azerbaijan Grand Prix

Baku City Circuit, Baku

61 laps

It seems inevitable for Tzuyu to see Sana everywhere after their private heart-to-heart talk in Monaco. Especially after their time in Monaco. Maybe it's fate, Tzuyu likes to think, or maybe the universe is tired of seeing them bumble around each other like little kids too afraid to reconcile after a petty fight. Given the length of three years, Tzuyu reckons it's enough time for the two of them to be seen in public together.

It's's a lot easier said than done.

It's a little awkward being so close together in public for the first time in a while. And not to mention in a setting that's not race-related. They're at the airport now, waiting around for their flight to the next race held in Baku City.

Or maybe it's all just in Tzuyu's head. Sana appears way more at ease now, even a little amused as she glances over at Tzuyu. Tzuyu sighs and wipes her sweaty hand on the leg of her pants. This is like their younger years all over again, Tzuyu whines internally, where she's the shy, stuttering gay mess and Sana is patiently waiting for her to finish a sentence. Sana has always been so patient with her. It's something Tzuyu adores, a softness that only seems to be reserved for her and her alone.

"So..." The word slips out of Tzuyu's lips after having spent too much time jumbling around inside of her mouth. She scratches her nape with a sheepish expression, her eyes darting around everywhere that isn't Sana. There's a nervous energy dwelling inside of her, so much that she feels like a dog eagerly awaiting a bone. Her fingers drum on the thigh of her pants, a habit she's picked up since they first entered the rankings of F3 together.

"Yes?" Sana takes a look at her drumming fingers and then Tzuyu's face with amusement dancing in her eyes. A soft growing smile takes up the space of her mouth.

God, it's like their first date all over again. Tzuyu takes a deep breath, puffs out her cheeks, and just goes for it.

"Do you! I mean—do you want to get some coffee?"

Heat creeps up on Tzuyu's cheeks due to her blunder, and her blush further intensifies as Sana watches her, a fond expression unfurling across her face. Tzuyu never knows what to do when Sana looks at her like that. It makes her heart race at a stupidly fast pace, makes her knees all wobbly and it makes Tzuyu feel invincible, like she can beat Jihyo in an arm wrestling match, which is insane and absurd because their Chief Engineer goes to the gym regularly outside of work purposes. Have you seen Jihyo's arms? It's to die for.

"Yeah, I can go for coffee."

"Great! Great, yes, yeah—let's go."

Sana laughs at her eagerness but Tzuyu can't find it in herself to care. Not when Sana is looking at her like that again. Soft and sweet, and not an ounce of expectation weighing on her shoulders. Sana then quietly reaches over and takes Tzuyu's cap off before placing it on her own head and shooting Tzuyu a megawatt smile, "You don't mind, do you Tzu?"

"You know I never do if it's you, love," Tzuyu whispered and Sana could only let out a soft giggle before pink dusts her cheeks. Butterflies flutter in Tzuyu's belly as they chat while making their way to one of the airport's coffee shops. It's nothing new, of course, but the recent developments of their relationship makes Tzuyu's heart flutter as well.

It feels like hope.

It feels like a rekindling of something stronger.


"Ferrari takes home a double podium here in Baku! It was a sensational race with the team simply dominating the majority of the laps."

"And what a shame Mercedes had a double mechanical failure which led them to retire early. This will surely put Ferrari up in the team standings."

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