Run away (3)

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Tzuyu saw her long before Sana's delicate silhouette could even turn to look at the crowd of dancing strangers moving behind her.

The scene in front of her was so familiar and yet so strange to her that she questioned herself for a few seconds, was her mind playing her some twisted trick? She tried to convince herself the woman in front of her was nothing but a ghostly sight. product of the memories of her own broken heart, she tried to hold the sudden need to move closer by thinking it was somebody else. However, she knew Sana better than the back of her own hand, she could distinguish her even from the tiniest of her manners or the most subtle sound that left her lips.

The drinks of her hand came and went much faster than what she originally planned since then. Dahyun's presence on her side allowed her to keep her thoughts away from the uneasy feelings floating in the back of her mind like butterflies in spring, twisting her stomach and making it hard to breathe regularly, at least until the fourth cocktail finished and with it all of her worries vanished for an instant as she allowed a stranger to drag her to the dancefloor.

It was just another party, just another way to escape from the skeletons in her closet, Tzuyu repeated to herself as her hands wandered around the body of the woman in front of her that looked back at her with nothing but lust. Just another stranger, just another hook-up.

And it would have been enough any other night, maybe any other party but not then when all Tzuyu was suddenly able to focus on was the lonely figure of who used to be her lover sitting in the bar with a cocktail between her fingers. What kind of idiot was Dex to leave her behind in a place like that? Didn't he know Sana was the only beauty in the place? The picture of him leaning to kiss her lips reproduced in the back of her mind like a broken record and she didn't think of how much it affected her until she heard her dance partner's breath hitch. Tzuyu's nails had scratched her back with the last sense of gentleness she had on her.

So she stared at her, she noticed how her legs crossed, how her neck tilted to the side as she took short sips of her glass, the way her pearly white teeth trapped her lips in a tight nip. Tzuyu knew her just like she knew herself, she knew Sana enough to understand that there probably weren't going to be another chance for her to come close.

Tzuyu wasn't going to waste it, she wasn't going to be the one to create any more distance between them and that single thought was enough to drive her almost in autopilot towards the actress. Her hand landed over her knee like not a day had passed, like her heart wasn't racing like a fool.

"Tzuyu," Sana's voice sounded like a mumble in the tiny space between their faces, her eyes wide still behind the white mask that protected her from everybody else.

Tzuyu's lips curved into a grin as her eyes looked directly into hers in the dim light that surrounded the bar. That game could be played by two and for Sana's misfortune, Tzuyu knew all the cards and codes.

"Sorry," Tzuyu's hand moved away from Sana's knee, leaving behind a gentle caress over the warm skin. The taller woman cleared her throat and looked back at Sana from behind her lashes, "I was just surprised to see you here, Sunbaenim. I heard parties weren't your thing."

They both had played their roles more times than what they liked to count, like they didn't ache to hold hands in the hallways, greetings dripping in politeness and shy manners like Sana hadn't woken up in her sheets just hours before a public encounter. Tzuyu's stomach twisted as she heard Sana release a laugh so spontaneous that Tzuyu wasn't able to catch it. The actress saw how Tzuyu's face seemed to light up at her smile, the way her smirk turned into a soft smile and how her eyes became tender for a brief second.

"Can I get you a drink?" Tzuyu asked, even when her hand was already up to call the bartender, her body leaning forward to place her empty glass behind Sana who found her senses once again immersed in everything Tzuyu represented, from the aroma of her perfume to the dazzling sight of her beauty.

"I shouldn't be accepting things from strangers," Sana's words came with the subtle touch of her fingertips running around Tzuyu's forearm, like she wanted to make sure the younger woman wouldn't vanish, "But I'm not rude enough to deny your offer."

It was Tzuyu's turn to laugh in the purest amazement.

All the scenarios that had crossed her mind about that moment that seemed inevitable faded into a ridiculous memory as she took the champagne glass Tzuyu handed to her with the brightest smile. Sana thought there would be screams if she ever came close to Tzuyu again. Maybe tables would turn and this time around the idol would be the one to cry first, she thought Tzuyu's eyes would turn dark and her face would twist in a frown. Sana thought everything but the way her ex lover looked back at her with nothing but gentleness.

"We shouldn't be doing this, Tzuyu-ah," Sana's voice sounded like an echo, as if she wasn't sure of her own answer.

"Do you want me to leave you alone then, Sunbaenim?" Tzuyu asked, already knowing the answer. Sana knew it was her only chance to run away before things took a dangerous turn, she knew too well how the rest of night was meant to end if she stayed where she was.

Maybe it was the drinks in her bloodstream or the way she couldn't care less about her own image anymore. Maybe it was just Chou Tzuyu and the way her lips curved into the prettiest smile one could witness; the soft touch of her fingers that lingered over the back of her hand filled with hesitation. Maybe it was everything and nothing all at once.

"No," Sana found herself admitting as she took off the mask that covered her face, "I really want you to stay, Tzuyu."

The laugh that Tzuyu broke out in just a second after her words made the confession worth it. It was then Sana realised that she had missed Tzuyu dearly.

"Let's go dance, angel," Tzuyu whispers as her fingers wrapped lightly around Sana's wrist and Sana didn't have it in her to deny.

The glasses of half-drinked champagne were left over the bar counter beside their forgotten masks as Tzuyu led them to the moving mass of dancing bodies like there was nothing else in the world to worry about other than Sana's hand in hers.

Hiding in the dim lights of the dancefloor and the sound of the loud music, Tzuyu's hands found their way around Sana's waist as Sana's let her fingertips caress the back of Tzuyu's neck, lost in their own little world of intimacy, one that both thought was forgotten. Sana almost laughs at the way Tzuyu was still careful enough to leave space between their bodies, like her hands weren't clinging to her sides, probably aching to pull her closer.

Tzuyu could have whatever reputation the media labelled her as but one thing Sana knew for sure is that no matter how much of a womaniser she was called, Tzuyu would never pressure anybody, especially Sana. So Sana took the first step herself, her hands caressed Tzuyu's neck until her fingers rested against the taller woman's collarbone feeling the erratic beats of Tzuyu's heart under her fingertips.

The lights flashed bright enough for her to catch the hungry smirk curving on the idol's lips as she leaned down just enough to make Sana feel her breath against her cheek. That was a warning the actress had all the intention to ignore as her front was suddenly pressed against Tzuyu's.

"Somebody is looking for you, Satang," Tzuyu's voice murmured as her lips graced the shell of Sana's ear, feeling the actress shudder under her fingers.

Tzuyu didn't let go of Sana and instead made both of them spin gently between the crowd, enough for Sana to look up at Dex's tall figure in the distance. The actress was almost ashamed to admit she had completely forgotten the man's presence in that party the second her eyes landed over at Tzuyu. She should have felt guilty about it, especially with Tzuyu's hand pressed firmly against the small of her back.

"You can go and pretend that I wasn't even here," Tzuyu hummed softly against her ear and Sana almost forgot how to breathe when a kiss landed over the side of her neck, "Or you can leave with me and see how this ends."

"I hate you so much," Sana mumbled to herself as she turned to meet Tzuyu's gaze. The woman's face lit up with a smile that seemed innocent even.

"It's on you, sweetheart. This is a choice that I'm giving you because I'm completely at your disposal. Either you go back to Mr. Media Perfect Relationship over there who definitely kissed three different models this night alone within the span of thirty minutes or you can run away with me,'' Tzuyu assured once again as she caressed Sana's cheek with her knuckles, with the softest of smiles playing on her lips and eyes bright with love and affection.

authors note: as promised folks PART THREE!!!! hope u enjoy

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