The bartender (1)

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Chou Tzuyu loves her job. She loves working as a bartender in this relatively popular bar in the great city of Seoul. Of course, it wasn't always her dream to pour drinks and mix pretty cocktails for young and not so young people. No, her biology teaching degree would beg to differ, but sometimes, we don't always get what we want. She doesn't let it ruin her mood, though, because she is fairly satisfied with her job, as of now. Her colleagues are great, most of the customers are polite and fun to talk to, and she also has found a new best friend here. Moreover, the pay was spectacular.

"Hey, Tzu."

She stops wiping the tall glass and turns to look at her best friend slash coworker, Chaeyoung, "You're off shift this Thursday, right?"

The blonde grabs another glass and nods, "Yeah, what's up?"

"So, there's this girl-"

Tzuyu coos at the blush at her friend's cheeks, for it to turn into a full-blown laughter when she gets a glare in response.

"As I was saying," the Korean woman continues, "there's this girl I've been talking to, her name's Mina, and she agreed to go on a date with me, but only if I bring a friend with me, and she brings a friend of hers."

The wiping stops. Tzuyu narrows her eyes at Chaeyoung and simply states, "No."

Her friend grasps her shoulders and gives her a helpless look, "Please, Tzuyu. I'm desperate."

"Oh my god!" The blonde woman gasps at her friend's words and covers her mouth with both of her hands, "You've got it bad."

Even the nod Chaeyoung gives her looks pathetic, but to be very fair, Tzuyu isn't the strongest when her best friend pulls out the puppy eyes and as hard as Tzuyu might try to fight the pouting, she just can't and fails miserably.

"Stop that. Fine!"

Chaeyoung punches the air and Tzuyu shakes her head in disapproval — as if she isn't as bad when pretty girls are involved, "But you owe me!"

Chaeyoung drops the puppy eyes and gives her a thankful smile, that turns into a smirk as she says, "Who knows, maybe you'll like the friend she brings and then you will owe me!"

She rolls her eyes good-naturedly and bumps her best friend with her shoulder, "That's not how it works, Chaeng!"

All she gets is a finger pointed right in her face.

- - - - -

That's how Tzuyu finds herself sitting near — probably the most beautiful girl she's ever seen in her life, but who needs to know that right? From the introduction, Tzuyu has learned that her name is Sana and she's 27, which means that she's three years older than Tzuyu. She was also told that Sana and Mina have been best friends since the both of them moved to Seoul to study at SNU five years ago. Tzuyu thinks that their situation is quite similar with her and Chaeyoung's, when she moved here.

You see, usually, Tzuyu can be sociable if she wants to be. She can talk about anything and everything on this Earth with anybody, ages 5 to 90. She will at least try to get a small conversation going if she meets someone.

So, why the hell isn't she able to speak a single word?

Right now, sitting beside Sana on one side, and with Mina and Chaeyoung on the other side of the table at the terrace of a café, where they serve the best waffles for breakfast, and have the cutest black cat lounging at the wooden floor under the sun almost every time she comes here, she is silent. Tzuyu isn't yapping as much as she thought she would.

Her train of thoughts is broken, when she hears her name being called by the soft voice on her left, and she turns swiftly to look at the brunette, who's giving her a small, polite smile.

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