you broke your promise

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Warning- angst, jealousy,possessiveness, obsessive behavior,pyschotic behavior,a bit of death , swearing ,kidnapping ,forced eating ,smut,stocklem syndrome

Billy remembers the promise that he and stu made to each other when they were kid's

Stu promised him that he would always be with him but stu broke that promise .he was moving away after everything they had been through, but Billy he couldn't allow that

He couldn't allow stu to move away and leave him ,so he did the only thing he could think of . He kidnapped him and hid him away

Billy was currently walking down the stairs holding a plate in hand ,he reached the end of the stairs and walked a bit further before he stood infront a door, he reached into his pocket and took out a key

He unlocked the door before pocketing the key again before heading inside and closing the door behind him

Stu was sitting on the bed hugging his knees .He had chains on his ankles, and he looked up as he heard the door open, and he looked back down as he saw it was billy

"I brought you some food," Billy told him, placing the plate next to him, and he sat on the end of the bed at the edge

Stu glanced at the food, but he didn't touch it. "Come on,you gotta eat something," Billy told him, and stu shook his head. "Not hungry,"he mumbled

Billy stared at him before he reached out and cupped stu's chin tightly, raising his head to look at him

Stu whimpered a bit ,Billy grabbed the spoon from the plate and raised it to stu's mouth "open" he demanded, and stu slowly opened his mouth, and Billy put the spoon in stu's mouth

"Chew and swallow,"he demanded, and stu slowly chewed before he swallowed the food

"Why do you have to make this hard?can't you just do what you're ask to do?" Billy said as he continued to fed stu

Soon enough, the food from the plate of gone ,Billy put the spoon down and let go of stu's chin, and he sighed, running a hand through his hair

"Billy..can I ask you something?" Stu quietly asked."What?" Billy questioned, looking at stu

"Why...why did you take me?" He asked."Because you broke your promise stu" stu looked at him with confusion."What promise?"

Billy looked at him in his eyes as if he was searching for something. "You don't remember, do you?" He asked, and stu shook his head

"When we were kid's,you promised me that we will always be together and then you were gonna leave can't leave me stu ,not ever and until you learn that, your staying in here" billy told him

"I'm sorry, Billy..that I forgot that promise,"stu told him, and Billy reached forward, caressing the side of stu's face

"It's alright darling,you won't forget it again ,I will make sure of it," he told him

Stu crawled towards over to billy and sat on his lap resting his head on his shoulder and wrapping his arm's around Billy's waist ,billy wrap one arm around stu's waist pulling him closer and using his other hand to run through stu's hair

"I'm sorry I made you mad," stu whispered. "It's alright.. just don't do it again,I don't want to hurt you," Billy said, pressing a kiss to his head

Stu was slowly falling alseep on Billy, and soon he fell alseep, and soon enough, Billy had fallen asleep holding stu in his arms
Billy had woken up first, and he looked down at stu, who looked so peaceful

Stu stirred a bit before he blinked himself awake, and he sat up stretching

Billy's eyes trailed down stu's body as he stretched. His shirt rose up a bit, exposing his skin

Stu rubbed his eyes, not noticing the way Billy's eyes filled with lust ,billy hand's reached out and grabbed stu's hips, and stu looked at him

He looks so innocent, and Billy just wants to ruin that. He wants to make sure stu knows who he belongs too "billy?"

Billy's hand went under stu's shirt,his skin was hot but soft and so pale ,it would bruise easily

"Billy...what are you doing?" Stu asked as Billy took off his shirt. His body shivered a bit due to the sudden coldness

Billy gently pushed stu into his back and got on top of him staring down at him

Billy leaned down, pressing a small kiss on his neck before trailing down before biting down hard, making stu gasp. "bill-ah!"

Billy spent a few minutes kissing and biting at stu's chest and stomach before he kissed him on the lips

Billy grind his crotch against stu's and stu let out a small moan ,billy smirked into the kiss before pulling back and taking off his shirt before taking off stu's pants and underwear  and billy stared at him "so perfect " billy removed his own pants and underwear throwing them to the side

"Billy..I never did this before" stu told him "don't worry,I'll be gentle " billy told him before putting his fingers in stu's mouth "suck" he ordered and stu did as he was told

Once Billy was satisfied,he took them out of stu's mouth, and he sticked one finger inside of stu who whined and tears gathered in his eye's

"It's okay,just gonna stretch you a bit, okay?" Billy said, kissing his tears away

Billy took a minute stretching out stu before he lined himself up at stu's entrance

Billy kissed stu again, sliding in slowly,stu gripped Billy's shoulders and whimpered in pain

Billy lifted stu's hips a bit as he went deeper inside .Once he was fully in,he pulled back a bit before slamming back and stu gasped in pain and pleasure

"Shit,God baby, you're so tight," Billy mumbles out, fastening his pace

The room was filled with moans,grunts, and skin slapping against each other for at least an hour

Stu had aleast cum two time's before billy was finished and cum inside of him

Billy panted and rested his head against stu's smiling down at him ,stu looked at him with tired eye's

"You did so good" billy pressed a kiss on his nose before he slowly pulled out "gonna clean us up okay" stu just nodded his head to tired to use his voice

Once billy had finished cleaning them up, he help stu get dress in clean clothes before he got dressed himself

"Billy...can you stay?" Stu quietly asked and billy nodded and got on the bed besides stu laying down and stu rested his head on his chest wrapping an arm around his waist

Billy looked down at stu who had his eye's close and billy knew he fell alseep
Billy pulled stu closer and he closed his eye's ,soon falling alseep once again with stu in his arm's

1166 word's!

The smut was bad I know but I hope you enjoyed it anyway !

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