" no one would hear you scream!" [part one]

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Inspired by Scream VI

Location- New York

Year- 1999

Ages -
Billy - 20
Stu- 19
Randy - 20
Sidney- 20
Tatum - 20
Mickey - 20
Hallie- 20
Derek- 20
Dewey -28
Gale- 35

New York City, the place where you can scream, but no one would hear you. It was the perfect place to proceed on their plan.

Three killers and a lot of murder. It was gonna be a bloodbath, and no one would see it coming.

There was gonna be a parade, and that was the perfect time to proceed on their plan's.

Though the three killers only had one problem...............

Two of them... were gonna betray each other, and one of them was gonna die

Billy loomis groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes as the sunlight creeped through the curtains.

Feeling movement beside him, he peaked from under his arm and smiled, seeing his boyfriend, stu Macher, snuggle closer to him, clearly unbothered by the sun that was creeping in

The peaceful moment was rudely interrupted by their roommates and friends , Randy meeks and mickey altieri, God Billy was seriously regretting letting them rent out the other rooms.

"Guy's get up! It's seven -twenty one in the morning!" Randy slightly yelled , opening the curtains and letting the rest of the sunlight in, Billy groaned and turned away from the sun

"Fuck off, it's a Saturday," Billy grumbled, his arms tightening around stu, who was slowly waking up

"Extacly! It's Saturday, and today is the parade," mickey reminded them, jumping on the bed, Billy glared at him, but all mickey did was grin at him.

"Yeah, so get your butts up because the girls would be here in a few minutes, and Derek is making breakfast," Randy told them

Billy lifted his head up at the mention of breakfast, "What kind?" Randy chuckled
"Waffles," stu sat up and rubbed his eyes , Billy sat up and resting his head on stu's shoulder

"I like waffles," stu mumbled ,"Seriously, did you guys stay up all night or something?" Randy asked, eyes darting between stu and Billy

Billy smirked ,"Wouldn't you like to know," Randy groaned ,"Ew! I did not want to know that two of my best friends stayed up last night just to have sex! Gross, I'm imagining it now! Why must you do this to me - oh.. Oh no, wait, thank you, Billy, because now I am imagining stu naked, thanks for that imagine, it's a beautiful one," Randy said with a grin

"But we didn't stay up having sex, we were -" stu trailed off as Billy jumped off the bed and started to chase Randy, who laughed and ran out of the room

"Fuck off meeks!" Billy yelled, slamming the door shut, he turned towards mickey and stu who were making out.

He rolled his eyes ,"Seriously, I'm gonna fucking kill that wet rag," Billy grumbled grabbing a pillow and throwing it at mickey "quit making out,"

Mickey pulled back and pouted ,"but you had stu all night," Billy rolled his eyes,"Yeah, and we were murdering those college students," Billy replied

"It's okay mickey, you can sneak in later," stu told him, kissing his cheek before standing up

Mickey whistled, seeing the shorts stu was wearing ,"you're seriously gonna make wait until later?"

"Fuck off mickey," Billy grumbled gesturing towards the door and mickey pouted ,"You know, he's my boyfriend to right? " he said, standing up from the bed

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Billy grumbled, grabbing a pair of jeans and putting them on ,"Now get out,"

Mickey tsk before walking out of Billy's and stu's room.

Billy was fixing the bed when stu came out of the bathroom with slightly wet hair , stu decided to grow his hair a little,and Billy liked it. It suited him.

"What's the matter?" Stu questioned, walking over to Billy, who sat down on the edge of the bed, Billy pulled stu into his lap, looking up at him, resting his hands on his hips.

"I don't like sharing you," Billy whispered,"Oh... Do you want me to break up with mickey? " stu questioned

"Do you?" Billy asked, "I love him, but I love you more if you tell me to break up with him, I will," stu told him,

Billy stared into stu's eyes. It held loyalty but sadness as well , his grip on stu's hips tightened ,"No, you love him...as much as you love me , I can see that, I'm not dumb, " Billy told him

Stu lifted his hand and moved a few stray hairs from Billy's face before leaning down and kissing him before pulling back ,"but you come first, Billy, you always do," he whispered

"Guy's waffles are ready!" Derek shouted from the kicthen

"Come on, waffles are ready, " stu kissed him one more time before standing up, and Billy stood up a second later,

Neither of them knew it was the last few moments together.
Word count - 825

Hope you enjoy!

Part two will come soon!

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now