The case of the missing teddy bear [part two]

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Part two!

A six year old Billy swung himself on the swing set , a baseball glove in one hand and a baseball in the other. He threw the ball to each other a few seconds.

"Hey Billy!" He looked up when he heard his name being shouted , he saw a six year old stu running towards him with his hands behind his back.

"Don't run with your hands behind your back! You'll fall!" Billy yelled at him, stu slowed down but still kept running till he reached him

"Hi Billy!" Stu grinned at him, "hi stu," Billy greeted back

Billy gestured behind stu's back and questioned, "Why do you have your hands behind your back?"

"It's a surpise Billy, close your eyes," stu replied, Billy narrowed his eyes, "why?"

Stu pouted, "You don't trust me?" Billy sighed and closed his eyes, feeling stu taking his baseball away from him and replacing it with something softer

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," stu told him, Billy slowly opened his eyes, looking down at his hand, seeing a brown teddy bear.

"Surpise!" Billy looks at stu, who was happily smiling at him ,"What is this?"

"It's a teddy bear silly," stu told him with a giggle , and Billy rolled his eyes," I know what it is, but why did you give it to me?"

"Read what it says," confused Billy, turned the bear around, and saw words on its overall , the words read

"My best friend in the whole world"

"You're my best friend in the world, Billy. I want you to know that," stu shyly told him

Billy stared at him, " not like it? I can take it back," stu told him with a hint of sadness

Billy hugged it to his chest,"No! It's mine now. You can't have it back ," stu smiled and giggled while nodding ,"Okay!"

Billy smiled ,"Wanna play ball?" Stu nodded, and Billy got off the swing

Billy sat at the end of his bed, staring at the bear in his hand. A tear rolling down his face.

"Billy?" He didn't even glance up as he heard Randy call out his name or even look up as Randy sat down next to him.

Randy could tell Billy was really upset since he didn't even yell at him to get off his bed or shove him off.

"The words are gone now," Billy whispered, running his thumb over where the words were supposed to be.

"I'm really sorry, Billy," Randy told him ,"There were so many things that stu gave me, but..this one. This one was special , and now...fuck I should've locked it away with the rest of his stuff," Billy sniffled

Randy looked down at the floor. A tear rolled down his face, "I miss him too. You know, every day I go to school, and I'm just expecting him to jump out of the bushes or jump on me begging for a piggyback ride ," Randy admitted

He let out a small chuckle, and Billy glanced over at him, "I remember the day after we met, he gave me a small green alien promising a long friendship,I threw it in a box a couple days ago and put it in the attic, I couldn't bare looking at it,"

"I..I can't do that, I just can't throw this into a box and just forgot about it..forgot about him ,"

"I'm not asking you or telling you too,"Randy told him , "we.. we could fix him, you know. "He added

"The words.. I want the words back,"Billy started ,"I want... I want stu back, I want him back,"

In a rare moment, Randy pulled Billy into a hug , holding him as he sobbed . A few tears of his own leaked out of his eyes.

After a while, Billy pulled back from the hug and didn't say a word. It was like he was in autopilot.

He didn't let go of the bear, but he did start to clean his room. After a few seconds, Randy wiped his tears and stood up, helping Billy clean his room.

After a few hours, they had fixed Billy's room, Randy sat down in a beanbag that stu begged Billy to get years ago, as Billy laid in his bed, hugging the bear closely to him.

"Hey Billy," Randy said after a while and looked up when he didn't get a response, Billy was sound asleep ,

Randy suddenly had an idea, and he hoped that Billy wouldn't kill him. As much as he missed stu, he didn't want to join him so soon.

He gently took the teddy bear from Billy and walked out of the room before walking out of the house.

He didn't return till three hours later, when he opened the front door, he was pushed back against it, facing Billy's famous glare

"Wait!wait before you kill me, I have your bear!look! Look, it's fine," Randy held up the bear, and Billy looked at it, taking it from him

"The" Billy asked, looking at him with wide, grateful eyes 

"My mom, I asked her if she could fix it, and she did , I guess her knowing how to sew came in handy," Randy said with a small chuckle

In another rare moment, Billy said words that he never thought he'll say to Randy, "Thank you, Randy, this. This means a lot to me," Randy just nodded

"Hey, listen, my mom was going through some old boxes, and she found some pictures of us when we were kids , wanna look through them?"

Billy only nodded, and Randy grinned ,"Great, cause I saw a picture when we -"
Word count - 951

Hope you enjoy

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