John kramer trap

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John Kramer, aka jigsaw, was horrified when he learned where the young stu macher, aka Ghostface #2, got his scars from.

Stu had told him that his father had given him his scars. He used a whip and repeatedly whipped him.

It angered John to hear that. He could tell the other killers were angered at that as well. Yes, they were killers, but they weren't that cruel. John, he was cruel in his traps but not outside of his traps.

Stu talked about his scars like it didn't really matter. He even joked about it. John could tell it angered Billy loomis, aka Ghostface #1, but he didn't say anything , he just clenched his fist and glared at the floor.

John had started to see stu as a son to him, and it angered him on how someone could hurt him.

If you look beyond the pyshcotic behavior, you'll find a sweet and kind young boy.

He would usually sit with John, and they would talk for hours. He honestly enjoyed spending time with the young boy. Stu would even help John with his traps, even giving new ideas.

John wasn't so surprised that stu and Adam had gotten along just well, Lawrence and Billy standing quietly at the side as Adam and stu chatted away like they were childhood friends.

John learned that stu made Billy promise that he wouldn't kill his father. It angered both of them since stu's father beat him up, and yet he was protecting him.

Although Billy made a promise, John did not. He had sent Adam to go and spy on Mr. Macher.

Adam went to spy on Mr. Macher, while John built his trap. A special trap just for Mr. Macher.

John was currently in his workshop working on the trap when stu walked in.

"Hey, what'cha working on?" He questioned, "a trap," John replied

"What kind of trap?" He peaked over johns shoulder ,"A very special one," was John response

Stu hum and sat next to him , spinning around on the spinning chair.

"Do you need something?" John glanced at stu, who stopped spinning , and looked at John.

"Can I stay here for a bit? Billy's been a bit clingy lately, I only escaped him because he fell asleep. " John nodded

"Of course, stay as long as you like," stu smiled and helped John with his trap, unknowing to him, he's dooming his father.

Stu helped John for almost an hour before he fell asleep , with his head resting on his arms.

Billy came in a few minutes later, giving John a short nod in a greeting gesture, Billy whispering to stu, who let out a small whine and Billy carefully picked him up and stu snuggled into him before Billy carried him out of the room biding John a quiet goodbye.

It only took John a few more hours before he was done with his trap. He sent out Hoffman to kidnapped stu's father.

Hoffman returned a couple hours later with stu's father. With Amanda's help, they put him in the trap.

Mr. Macher woke up a couple of minutes after Hoffman and Amanda put him in the trap.

"Where...where the hell am i!? Get me the fuck out of here!" Mr. Macher shouted, John walked into the room

"You! Get me out of here!" John shook his head , "I can't do that,"

"Why the hell not!" Mr. Macher struggled, but he couldn't move

"Because you will feel the pain that you have caused your son over the years that he lived with you, but only your pain will result in death," John replied

"Wha?- you mean that pathetic little weasel?! He had that coming! Every beating that I gave him! He deserved it!" Mr. Macher shouted

"No child deserves what you did. You will get a taste of your own medicine," John spat out before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Mr.macher looked around the room before he heard gears turning before he felt a sharp pain in his back that made him cry out.

John watched as Mr.Macher was whipped repeatedly every few seconds , blood pooling underneath him. He didn't have much skin in his back anymore.

His screams died down, and John walked back into the room , satisfied with this.

This monster of a man was dead. John just wished that he had killed him sooner.

He walked out of the room again, leaving Mr. Macher hanging there. He walked down the hallway and spotted a door halfway opened.

He peeked inside and saw Billy and stu lying on the bed, Billy was wide awake while stu was alseep with headphones over his ears.

John caught Billy's eyes, and John nodded at him, and Billy nodded back before John walked away.

Billy looked down at stu, pressing a kiss to his head before pulling him close.

Glad to know that stu's father was dead.
Word count - 825

Hope you enjoy

Does anyone else wanted Adam to live?

The saw movies are one of my favorite movies as well! I love the gore and all the traps!

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