" I didn't get to say goodbye"

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Warning!- heavy angst, drunk driving, car accidents, death , major character death,

Billy sat in the hospital waiting room, staring at his hands in shock,horror in disbelief,

This was all his father's fault. If he wasn't drunk driving, then he would have never hit that car if he wasn't drunk driving ...stu wouldn't be fighting for his life right now,

Billy clenched his fist, feeling anger coursing through his body,

This was all his father's fault!

It was the usual evening for the loomis family. They were heading back home after Billy's parent's picked him up from the police station for getting arrested for doing something stupid ,

Billy should've known the minute he saw his father. His mother shouldn't have left him drive , He shouldn't have left him drive,

Billy knew that his father was an alcoholic bastard but he never drove while under the influence before ,

The officers should've known, they probably did but didn't care, it happened so fast that Billy didn't even it happened at first until he heard the sound of the car honking blaring loudly,

He was arguing with his father when it happened. He wished that his father had kept his focus on the road ,

Fact is, Billy blamed himself if he wasn't arrested, then his parents wouldn't have come and picked him up, but what he couldn't blame himself for was for his father drunk driving,

None of them got injured, mabye his father got a few cuts and his mother a few bruises but it was nothing serious compared to the others in the other car,

Billy knew that his father sobered up the minute they crashed, but he didn't care as he got out of the car,

The front of their Staton wagon was dented, but it was nothing compared to the car they hit. It was a dark blue jeep, Billy didn't recognize the car at first until he had gotten closer and saw the license plate ,

It was stu's Jeep, Billy felt his heart pounding against his ribcage. He didn't know that he was running towards the car that had been pushed off the street and directly into a tree,

The front of the jeep was crushed, and the engine was smoking. The windshield was cracked with a little bit of blood smeared on it . The sound of the loud honking echoed,

Billy felt like his whole world shattered when he looked inside the car, stu was unconscious,his body leaned forward, his head pressing against the steering wheel, there was blood dripping down the side of his face,

The window was smashed, and there was glass everywhere, "s..stu,"

Billy ignored the glass and opened the door, chanting stu's name under his breath

"Stu, stu, darling, wake up, come on, open up your beautiful eyes, come on, please baby," Billy pleaded , his vision clouding with tears ,

Billy heard the sound of thunder and lightning before it started to rain. He could faintly hear his mother speaking in the back, but all he could focus on was stu

Billy had managed to get him out of the car, and both of them were on the ground, Billy sitting on the ground, holding stu closely to him, trying to get him to open his eyes ,

Billy didn't know if it was the rain or the tears dripping down his face ,"b...billy?" Billy could've sobbed in relief hearing stu's voice. He was looking up at him with unfocused eyes and confusion ,

"Wh.. what happened?..are..are you crying? Why are you crying, Billy? Did something happen?" Stu slurred out. He felt weird, his head was hurting , and he was so confused , and he was wet..why is he wet?

"You were in a car accident, but you're gonna be okay, the ambulance is gonna be here soon, and you're gonna be okay," Billy told him , and stu let out a small whine as Billy slightly moved him a bit, stu rested his head on Billy's shoulder, looking up at him ,

Stu slowly and shakily brought his hand up and wiped Billy's tears away, Billy leaned into stu's touch,

But stu's hand felt cold, but something felt warm and wet, and Billy knew it wasn't the rain . He slowly brought stu's hand down and glanced down at it, his eyes widening as he saw blood,

He quickly scanned stu's body before spotting the red spot on his side, Billy shook his head, mumbling to him,

"Ow!ow! Billy, stop that!it's hurts!" Stu cried out as Billy put pressure on his side, Billy held him tighter as stu tried to move away from him,

He kissed his head, "Shh, it's okay, I know it hurts baby, I know, but you're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay," Billy whispered,

The words "you're gonna be okay" were more for Billy than stu. He really hoped that stu was gonna be okay. He has to be , Billy wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't,

Billy didn't know how long they stayed there, but it felt like forever . The amazing arrived shortly and had taken stu away

"I love you," Billy whispered to stu, but stu drifted back into unconsciousness ,

Time moved slowly for Billy as he waited in the waiting room, soaking wet, his hair sticking to his head, his clothes dripping water , his hands covered in stu's blood, a part of cheek was covered with a bit of blood ,

He wasn't surprised when a nurse asked him if he was okay, can't she see that he fucking wasn't,

The love of his live is fighting for his life, his fucking father crashed into the car stu was driving running him out of the road and crashing into a tree , he had to hold stu and tell him that everything was gonna be alright even if Billy didn't know if that was gonna be true,

He had to cause pain to stu as he held pressure on his wound, holding him tighter against him as he cried , trying to push himself away from Billy, had to hear stu beg for him to stop, before stu completely stopped begging and sagged against him,

Billy was far from okay, and he doesn't think he'll ever be okay ,

He counted the hours that passed, stu's parent's arrived 20 minutes after stu was taken into surgery, Mrs. Macher broke down at the sight of Billy, and Mr. Macher had to help Billy into the bathroom to get himself cleaned up ,

Four hours, eight minutes and twenty seconds is how long they waited , just for the doctor to tell them that stu didn't make it, that he passed away during surgery, just so a part of his world was just ripped awful from him,

His head injury was too severe, and Billy stared at his hands as the wails of Mrs. Macher reached his ears , the sounds of Mr. Macher sobbing was hidden behind the sounds of Mrs. Macher wails

Billy vision blurred , tears spilled out his eyes and into his hands,

"My baby! No! Bring my baby back! Please! Not my baby boy!"

Billy clenched his fist, closing his eyes tightly, his sadness quickly turning into anger ,

He was angry, angry at his father for drunk driving, angry at stu for not fighting for his life harder, but most of all angry at himself, for not trying harder,

Worst of all , he didn't get to say goodbye. It was the worst feeling in the world , he didn't get to say goodbye to the one person in the whole world that truly mattered to him, and something inside of Billy just broke ,

Leaving him with just a grieving heart and pure anger coursing through his body.
1289 words

Hope you enjoy

I'm thinking of making a part two?

Should I make a part two?

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now