"I'm sorry...but who are you?"

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Female stu

Warning - abuse, toxic relationships, cursing , major injuries, mention of cheating,

It was an accident. Billy didn't mean to push stu. He just got so angry, and she was just in the way.

God, he never hated himself more than he did right now.

He hoped that stu could forgive him.
(A couple hours earlier)

Stu was cleaning the house , she was currently doing the laundry. She was folding hers and Billy's clothes and putting them in the drawer.

She hummed to herself as she did so, a small smile on her face.

She glanced over at Billy, who rushed into the room like something was on fire.

She raised an eyebrow, watching as Billy opened and closed drawers. "What'cha looking for?" She questioned, putting a shirt away.

"There's this piece of paper with something written on it. Have you seen it?" Billy questioned, turning to look at stu who shook her head.

"No. What's written on it that's so important?" She questioned, and Billy sighed,"That's none of your business," he spat out.

"Sorry, I was just asking so I can help look for it," stu quietly told him, looking down at the floor, hating when Billy snaps at her.

"It's not like you can do much. You're practically useless," he grumbled , throwing the clothes that stu just folded out of the drawers and into the floor. 

Stu didn't know what came over her, but she got a bit angry seeing Billy doing that. It took her two hours washing and drying their clothes, and she just folded them and put them away , just for Billy to come and throw them on the floor.

"Hey! Stop that," she said, grabbing Billy's wrist to stop him from throwing more clothes on the floor.

It was clearly a mistake to do that. She didn't have time to react before she felt a stinging pain on her left cheek.

Billy had just slapped her ," Fuck off!" Stu glared at Billy and she slapped him back.

Her eyes widened in horror because of what she just did, and she quickly started to apologize, "I'm so sorry, Billy, I didn't...I didn't -" stu cut herself seeing the angry look in Billy's eyes

She backed up , and she didn't notice that she had left the room, Billy reached out and pushed her with so much force that she didn't have enough time to catch herself and before she knew it, she was rolling down the stairs and her head smacked against the railing.

Billy eyes widened as he realized what he did. "Shit! Shit! Stu baby,!" He rushed down the stairs and kneeled beside stu, seeing blood pooling underneath her head.

"Shit, shit," Billy quickly stood up and grabbed the phone, calling an ambulance before going back to stu, putting a cloth on her head wound, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Billy whispered , soon hearing the sirens of the ambulance.

Everything that happened afterward was a blur to Billy.

They took stu into surgery and said that she had internal bleeding or something like that. Billy wasn't paying much attention to that as he stared at stu.

Once they took stu into surgery, Billy waited in the waiting room.

"What the fuck happened billy!" Tatum riley rushed the waiting room, followed by Sidney , Randy and Dewey.

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