" Who's idea was it to play spin the bottle? i want to say thank you"

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Requested by billyloomis362

The group, Billy, stu, Randy, Sidney, and Tatum, were sitting around in the living room , along with a few others ,

Music softly plays in the background. Chatter from other guests came from every direction ,

An empty beer bottle was in the middle of everyone, someone had come up with the idea of playing spin the bottle , and somehow Billy found himself in the game,

He was lucky so far that nobody who had spinned landed on him or stu. He hoped that whoever spins doesn't land on stu , he hates the idea of stu going into the closet and making out with someone who isn't him,

They may not be together yet, but Billy would be dammed if anyone takes stu away from before he gets the chance to make him his,

Stu was sitting next to him on the floor, with his legs crossed , with a soda can next to him ,

Billy himself had a beer in hand. It was his fourth one , and he hasn't felt drunk yet , so he might switch the beer for something stronger later ,

"Alright, stu it's your turn, spin the bottle," Tatum said,with a small smirk

"Okay," stu said, reaching out, and he spun the bottle. Everyone watched as the bottle spun around ,

Billy took a large swing of his beer as stu nervously twitched beside him , Billy just wanted to reach out and grab his hand, calm his nerves down ,

"Ohh!" Tatum said, in a teasing tone. As the bottle stopped, stu blushed, looking down at his lap, Billy confused, looking towards the bottle , and he almost dropped his beer,

It landed on him, and Billy didn't believe in miracles, but he sure as hell does now,

"Ohh!this is golden!" Randy drunkly yelled , making stu blush even more

"Shut up, Randy, " Billy glared at him before looking at stu, "you don't have to do this if you don't want to," Billy softly told him , even if he wanted nothing more than to pull stu into the closet and make out with him,

Stu look up at him, with a smile, "it's okay," he said, standing up and holding his hand out for Billy, who put his beer down, and grabbed Stu's hand, stu helped him help

"Remember! 5 minutes!" Tatum shouted after them. They heard her drunkly giggle ,

"You sure you want to do this?" Stu question after Billy closed the closet door,

"Do you?" Billy asked, stepping closer to stu , who slowly nodded, Billy smiled , putting his hands on stu's hips, pulling him close ,

"I..I um..never did this before," stu confessed," really?" Billy asked, surprised, feeling happy to be the first that stu would be making out with, and hopefully the last as well,

"I um.. wanted my first time to be with someone special," stu whispered, and Billy couldn't help but feel proud and a bit smug about it ,

"I'm special?" Stu smiled and nodded , leaning closer to him, "very," he connected his lips with Billy's, and Billy instantly kissed back ,

Stu wrapped his arms around Billy's neck, pulling him closer, a small whine leaving him as Billy pulled back but gasped as Billy started to kiss his neck,

"B-billy," he let out a small moan, and Billy froze before biting down softly, stu let out another moan,

Billy lifted his head and captured stu's lips, stu ran a hand through Billy's hair before gripping it tightly, making Billy gasp, but it allowed stu to put his tongue in his mouth, and Billy grip tighten on stu's hip, before fighting for dominance,

He let stu think he was winning until Billy won dominance . He grinned into the kiss before he thrusted his hips forward and stu let out a gasp, pulling back, panting ,

"What?" Billy questioned, "That..that felt nice," stu whispered, and Billy smirked before thrusting his hips forward again,

Stu covered his mouth with his hands. A muffled moan was heard , and Billy removed stu's hands from over his mouth,

"Don't hide those pretty moans from me, baby," Billy whispered ,stu blushed ,"i.. I didn't know I could make noises like that,"

Billy leaned forward to whisper in his ear, putting his hands under stu's shirt, feeling his warm skin, "the things I'm gonna do to you, your gonna be making a lot of different noises," stu let out a small whimper, moving his hips against Billy's,

Both were startled when they heard a knock against the closet door, both had forgotten about the five minute thing ,

Billy let out a small groan, dropping his head on stu's shoulder , "Times up!" Tatum chirpy voice sounded from outside the closet ,

Stu suddenly had some confidence, and he whispered into Billy's ear, "Why don't we continue this later?" Billy lifted his head and looked at stu, with a lust and hopeful look in his eyes ,

"Yeah?" He couldn't control the excitement in his voice , stu let out a small giggle and nodded,

"Yeah, if you want to," Billy nodded,"Yeah, yes, I want to continue this,"

"Come on, guys! Five minutes is up!" Tatum said, again

"Come on, let's go before Tatum bursts the door open ," stu told him, Billy sigh but backed up from stu , stu grinned and quickly kissed him before opening the door and walking out ,

"Have fun?" Tatum asked, in a teasing singing voice , Billy tsk

"We fucking were until you ruin it," he said, as he passed her , going back to sitting next to stu, who smiled at him before leaning his head against his shoulder, Billy put an arm around him pulling him close, and grabbing his beer taking another swing

"Wait! Stu, is that a hickey?!" Billy smirked behind his beer ,and stu lifted his head, staring wide eye at Billy,

"You gave me a hickey!?"
971 words

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