I'm not jealous

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Warning- jealously, swearing

Billy would admit that he didn't know what he was feeling when he saw stu laughing with this guy that billy doesn't know ,clearly he didn't like it at all

"You're jealous " billy turned and glared at randy who seemed unfrazed "I'm not fucking jealous " billy said turning back to look at stu ,his fist clench ,that fucker has a hand on stu's back who was now paying attention to whatever Casey was telling him

"You're definitely jealous "Tatum told him "that's the look of someone jealous "Sidney added

"The fuck I'm jealous about?stu can have friend's " billy told him "yeah okay, honey you might want your unclench your fist and soften your glare " Tatum said

"Whatever " billy mumble standing up "where are you going?" Randy asked "he's supposed to be having lunch with us" is all billy said before walking over to where stu was

"Hey" billy called out getting stu's attention,stu turned and smiled "oh hey babe!Casey was just telling me about the party she's gonna have this weekend " stu said

Billy forced a smile "this weekend?weren't your parents supposed to be back this weekend?" He asked putting an arm around stu's shoulder

"They were but they have to stay another few day's,so I'm gonna throw a party this weekend and everyone is invited " Casey said as randy forced himself in between stu and that random guy

"I'm so in,what time does the party start?" He asked as Tatum and Sidney took a seat somewhere around them
"8" Casey replied

"Who's this?"Tatum questioned gesturing to the random guy "Carson,he's new" steve replied sounding like he doesn't like him and billy slightly hates Steve even less now but he still hates him..just less

"Well I'm Tatum,this is Sidney my girlfriend,that's randy and that's billy..stu's boyfriend " Tatum said slightly glaring at Carson

Billy would have to admit that he does have great friends but he would never admit that he was jealous

"My billy-bear "stu said side hugging him and kissing his cheek ,the girl's giggled, randy smiled and steve smirked
"My honey stu" billy pressed a kiss to stu lips

"Oh gosh don't start making out now,I'm eating" randy said making them pull apart and chuckle,stu rested his head on Billy's shoulder

"How are you still single randy?" Casey questioned "still haven't found the right one" randy replied

"What about mickey?he's in film's club ,he's obsessed with horror movie's and want to direct them when he's older" stu said and randy turned to look at him

"When did you talk to my soulmate?where is he now?" Randy asked making the group laugh and giggle

"Hey!what's up?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear "Hey mickey " stu greeted "sorry for interrupting but for our film project I was thinking about making a horror movie?like what if two teenager's suddenly go on a killing spree and start murdering their friend's and everyone else?" Mickey said

"You're film buddies?you never told me!?" Randy said "I think that idea is amazing "he added staring at mickey dreamily "thanks" mickey smiled

Neither of them noticed Carson leaving "oh can we be in it?" Tatum asked "sure"

"Who will be the killer's?" Stu asked as mickey took a seat next to randy and mickey turned and looked at billy "him,he looks like he could go on a killing spree" mickey said

Stu giggled "and you look like you would help him " mickey added "that's true" Tatum said with a nod looking at the couple

"So billy and stu would be the killer's "Sidney said "I didn't agree with this" billy said but was ignored

"Casey and steve would be the first victims" randy added "Why us?" Steve asked "you guy's look like you'll be the first victims " randy said with a shrug

"Sidney will be the final girl,she may not look like it but she can fight ,which makes a pefect final girl" stu said "and I'll be the baddass girlfriend" Tatum said

"This will make an awesome movie "mickey said "what should we call it?"

"Scream" randy said "scream it is" soon the group started talking about it

Randy leaned over to billy "seems like you stopped being jealous "he whispered and billy rolled his eye's "I was never jealous "

Clearly he was but he was never gonna admit that ,especially not to randy
746 word's

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