"You killed stu,"

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Female stu
In this one shot, Sam is the biological daughter of Billy loomis and stu macher.

Stu macher died 25 years ago, and Billy loomis didn't. Billy and stu had a secret, and that secret was that they had a daughter.

Stu was 16, and Billy was 17, and the way things were going, they couldn't take care of a baby, so they gave her up for adoption.

A year later, stu died, killed by Sidney, Billy managed to escape, but at what cost? He didn't get to kill Sidney, and the worst part was that his love of his life died.

He wasn't the same after that night. He went completely insane, killing anybody, not caring if he's leaving a trail of bodies behind.

He stayed hidden, though, waiting for his moment. Though he waited almost 25 years.

It didn't matter. He's gotten stronger, faster, and smarter and more dangerous.

He found out that Sidney was going to woodsboro, so he decided to go back. He found out about his daughter, how she was adopted by the carpenters, and how her younger sister was attacked.

He also found out that stu's nephew Vince was killed , and it pissed him off, stu loved her nephew, and she would be pissed that someone killed him.

So since stu wasn't there to find the person who killed her nephew, then Billy would.

It didn't take him long to find out who killed Vince, and it didn't really surpise him.

Amber Freeman looked like a total pyshco , while Richie looked suspicious as hell.

Also, never trust the love interest. It's one of the rules.

As Amber threw her party in stu's house, Billy snuck in, knowing of Amber's and Richies' plan.

The minute everyone left the party, Billy walked out of his hiding spot.

He pulled out his gun, walked into the living room, and shot Amber in the head before doing the same with Richie

"What the fuck!" Mindy yelled, before her eyes widen "holy shit, holy fucking shit, oh my fucking God, oh my god! What the fuck!" Mindy said

"What?" Sam asked, looking at Mindy before looking at Billy

"That's Billy loomis! That's Billy fucking loomis! The ogrinal ghostface along with stu macher! I knew it! He was still alive! I was right! Oh my god, I was right! We are so going to die!" Mindy freaked

Billy looked at Mindy with a raised eyebrow, "you done fangirling?"

"Oh my god! He just talked to me! What do I do!?" Mindy looked at Sam and Tara

"Mabye, stop talking?" Sam suggested, her eyes never leaving Billy

"I'm not going to kill you....well, at least not you, sam," Billy told them

"Why?" Sam asked , "Why would I kill my own daughter?" Billy told her, Sam stared at him in shock

"What the actual fuck! Are you serious!? Sam is your daughter? Oh my god, I did not see this coming," Mindy said,

"How... how is that possible?" Sam asked ,"Don't you know how sex works?" Mindy questioned

Billy chuckled ,"You're mom had you a year before we decided to kill our friends," Billy told her

"My mom? You mean my mom is..." Sam trailed "stu macher, yes, you're mother was beautiful and she was the best person I ever know, and that stupid bitch took her away from me, so we are going to wait here till Sidney arrives," Billy told them

"Oh my god, your parents are the ogrinal ghostface, your parents are Billy loomis and stu macher, but wait...stu macher died when she was 17, so she had you at 16 , which also mean-" Billy cleared his throat cutting off Mindy

"Are you done ranting? If you are, all of you sit, I bet standing up on crutches isn't the best," Billy gestured for them to take a seat, and they did

"Billy....can I ask you a question?" Sam asked, and Billy nodded ,

"Did you and stu..gave me up because you didn't want me or.." she trailed off

Billy sighed ,"we were young, your mom was 16,just like meeks said, and I was 17, we had this plan, and a baby wasn't in the plan, we loved you Sam, we did, I do,if your mom was here, I know that she will still love you, but we couldn't raise you, we decided to give you up for adoption, it was one of the hardest decisions that we made but it was a good one," Billy told her

"You would've lost us anyways," he added

"Why are you back here?" Tara asked,speaking up

"To kill Sidney," Billy replied as he heard a car outside . He walked over to the window,looking outside and seeing Gale and Sidney

"Not a single noise," Billy told him them, and the three girls nodded , Billy hid behind the wall,

"Are you guys okay!?" Sidney and Gale walked into the living room, Billy raised his gun and aimed , shooting Gale in the head, Sidney quickly turned around, her eyes widening

"B-billy?" Billy smirked at her ,"surpise Sidney," he said, quoting what stu said 25 years ago.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt them," Sidney told him, and Billy chuckled

"I'm not gonna hurt them, I'm gonna hurt you," Billy told her, "That meeks kid is cool, Sam's my daughter so I'm not gonna hurt her, and Tara's her sister, so I'm not hurting her either, but you on the other hand.." Billy trailed off, taking a few steps towards Sidney

"You! You killed stu, " Billy told her, "she deserved it! She was a sick fuck just like you, " Sidney spat out

"She was the love of my life! And Sam's mother! She didn't deserve it!, " Billy yelled , making Sidney flinch at his sudden change of tone

"She deserve-" Sidney was cut off by a gunshot, and she fell to the floor with a bullet hole in her head

Billy looked at Sidney before looking up, seeing Sam with Amber's gun, Billy grinned

"Nice one, sam,"
Word count - 1012

Hope you enjoy

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