" I want to be dancing with you"

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Requested by mentalslasher

Stu stood by the drink table as the music played loudly in the background. It was prom night , and stu didn't want to go to the dance, but he couldn't let Tatum go alone . He wasn't a cruel friend, but he just couldn't stand the sight of Billy and Sidney together.

It made his heart ache, knowing that Billy could never love him the same , stu averted his eyes from Billy and Sidney, who were dancing on the dance floor. He scanned the room and spotted Randy awkwardly dancing. He let out a small chuckle before taking a sip of his drink.

"Stu!" He turned away from watching Randy dancing and looked at Tatum, who called out his name. She gave him a sad smile.

"You should be enjoying your prom night,"she told him , grabbing a cup of punch ,taking a sip as she stood in front of him

"I don't really feel like it," stu told her , with a small shrug , Tatum glanced over at Billy and Sidney, and she let out a sigh

"I get it how you feel, trust me I do, but we can't let them ruin our night, so let's get our gay butts out there on the dance floor," Tatum told him, putting the cup down and stretching her hand out for stu to take

Stu let out a small laugh before putting his drink down and taking Tatums hand and letting her drag him to the dance floor

Stu felt like all his problems just melted away as he danced with Tatum. She knew what he's going through because she's going through it as well , they both loved someone who they couldn't be with.

Tatum and stu hid their sexuality by fake dating each other , Tatum liked girls, and she liked Sidney, while stu liked boys, and he liked Billy, but both Sidney and Billy are dating each other and it could never work , so Tatum and stu just have to deal with it but aleast there not dealing with it alone.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I'm gonna head to the bathroom. Maybe you should check on Randy. He looks drunk by the way he's dancing," stu said, and Tatum nodded before he walked off towards the bathroom

Stu didn't really have to use the bathroom. He loved Tatum he really did, but he wasn't as brave as her, and when he saw Billy and Sidney together, he just needed to get away

Stu took a deep breath before exhaling. He could still hear the music playing , it calmed him a bit.

"Hey,you alright?" Stu was startled by Billy, who walked into the bathroom ,"Jesus dude!are you trying to give me a heart attack on prom night?" Stu said, rubbing his chest as a way to calm his rapidly beating heart

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Billy said with a small chuckle,"but I'm serious, are you okay? You didn't look okay out there. Everything alright with you and tatum?" Billy asked concern

"Yeah, everything is fine with me and Tatum," stu told him, with a small smile. "Well, I better get going, or Tatum gonna have my head if we miss Cyndi Lauper," stu said , with a small laugh

"Stu, wait," Billy grabbed his arm, stopping stu from walking out of the bathroom , stu turned to look at him with a confused look on his face

Billy looked like he was fighting a battle within himself before he could even think. He blurted ," I love you, stu, "

Stu stared at him in shock before he shrugged Billy's hand off his arm, "don't...don't play with my feelings like that, Billy, " stu voice broke when he said Billy's name

"I'm..I'm not playing here, stu. I love you, and I know it's a real jerk move to confess my feelings to you in a bathroom, but I need you to know that I love you ,and I know that you love me too," Billy told him

"You're lying, you can't love me, you love Sidney," stu said, with a shake of his head ,

"I don't love Sidney like I love you! She knows that , I know you and tatum are together, but... if you want... Let's give us a chance," Billy said, stu sniffled, wiping his tears

"Tatum and I are fake dating... she knows I like you..well that I'm gay and she's okay with it ," stu mumbled, but Billy heard him

He gave Billy a smile , reaching out and grabbing his hand ,"I would really like to give us a chance," Billy smiled

"I'm glad to hear that," Billy said, squeezing stu's hand , stu heard the music change

"Let go back into the gym , we owe it to our girls to give them a slow dance, " stu said, Billy nodded , a little sad

"I wish I could be dancing with you instead," Billy said, "we can, I mean.. after prom , we can have our slow dance,if you want," stu shyly said

"I would love that, now come on, or they're gonna stake us if we miss the slow dance," Billy joked and stu laughed

Soon, Billy and stu were back in the gym and went towards Tatum and Sidney, and started to slow dance

"What's with that smile?oh my gosh, did something happen?" Tatum asked, stu nodded," Billy likes me too, we're gonna give us a chance," stu told her

Tatum smiled at him, "I'm so happy for you," she said, "don't worry tat, you'll be with sid soon , I just know it, " stu told her resting his head on her shoulder

"Yeah, thanks, stu," she whispered , stu glance up and met Billy's eyes, Billy smiled at him and stu smiled back

Before both of them started to laugh watching Randy dance with one of the teachers

"He's totally drunk. He's not gonna remember any of it," Tatum said, with a giggle

"Oh, I ain't gonna let him forget it," stu said , as he grabbed the camera Tatum brought and started to record

"Zoom in on his face," Tatum said, and stu nodded , Billy and Sidney watched them with fond smiles

Billy couldn't wait till after prom to dance with stu. He knows it'll be special.
1045 words.

Hope you enjoy

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