" just hold me, okay?" ||"Lean on me, i got you"

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Requested by cloeeee_

Billy loomis and stu macher didn't have great fathers. Their fathers were assholes.

They both hated their fathers with burning passion. They couldn't do anything about their fathers at all.

So they supported each other. They would always support each other.

Billy's father was a homophobic bastard. He would always tell Billy that he wasn't his son because he was gay.

Billy, for one, didn't give a shit about it, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt when he said things like that.

Billy acted like it didn't hurt, but in reality, it did. It hurted like a bitch but Billy wouldn't admit that or let it show.

He wouldn't give his father the satisfaction of knowing that his words hurt him.

Billy was in his room one day when his father walked in. He glared at everything around the room before he settled his glare on Billy.

"Has the gayness left you?" Billy rolled his eyes, "no, and it would never leave," Billy replied

"It should or else you won't be my son any longer!" He yelled

"You've been saying that for a long time already! " Billy yelled back. He wasn't afraid of his father , his father didn't scare him at all.

If he yelled, then Billy would yell back. It was an endless cycle that just kept repeating itself.

"I won't have a faggot for a son!" His father yelled, "and I won't have a homophobic bastard for a father!" Billy glared before he grabbed his jacket

"Where do you think your going!?"his father yelled after him ,"away from you!" Billy slammed the door shut behind him walking over to his car.

He drove to stu's house, parking a few blocks away from his house, knowing that stu's father didn't like him at all.

Billy walked the rest of the way, and he climbed up the side of stu's house, stu's window was open and climbed through, seeing stu sitting on his bed with a book in hand.

Stu glanced up hearing a noise and saw Billy climbing through his window

"Billy?" Billy didn't say anything. Instead, he walked over and laid on top of stu , who put his book down and wrapped his arms around Billy.

Billy didn't notice the pained look on stu's face since he had his face buried in his neck, inhaling stu's strawberry bodywash.

It was a nice smell ,"What's wrong, Billy?" Stu rubbed small circles on Billy's back

"Just hold me, okay?" Billy felt stu nod and tighten his arms around him, "I'll hold for as long as you want, I've got you remember,"

Stu did. He held Billy as long as he wanted.

Stu was afraid of his father. His father wasn't a nice person. Stu saw firsthand how bad his father could be.

Ever since stu was a little boy , his father would punish him for every little thing he did.

Stu learned how to behave himself around his father, and the only time he could be himself was at school and with his friends.

He wore a fake smile hiding his pain behind it. He didn't tell Billy about his father.  No matter how much he wanted to.

Stu would always wear long sleeves to hide the bruises and the scars that his father gives him.

Usually, it was the hard end of the belt , the metal left cuts on stu, and then when his father was finished, he made stu clean up.

It hurt, but stu never complained. He didn't want to sleep in the basement or worse....the freezer.

Stu tried to do his best on everything, but sometimes he would slip up, and his father would beat him up, locking him in a small room or in the freezer.

Currently, stu was locked in a small dark closet. He was softly crying to himself. His body was sore from the beating he took from his father a couple of hours ago.

As he softly cried to himself, he didn't hear the footsteps coming closer.

He whimpered as the door opened, backing up , "Hey! Hey, it's me, darling," He looked up, hearing Billy's voice

"B..billy?" He whimpered out ,"it's me darling, let's get you out of here, okay?" Stu sniffled, and with the help of Billy, he got out of the closet

Small whimpers leaving him ,"What the hell happened? Who did this?" Billy questioned after he brought him to his room

"My..my dad," stu quietly told him, and he heard Billy inhale sharply cursing

Stu let out a small sob , and Billy carefully hugged him

"Shh, lean on me, baby. I've got you, I won't let him hurt you anymore,"

Billy glanced over at stu, who was sleeping with head against the window , Billy reached out and grabbed one of stu's hands, interlocking it with his before looking back at the road ahead of him.

They finally escaped their shitty fathers.
They said goodbye to their friends before leaving woodsboro.

Leaving their lives behind, they were gonna start fresh, just the two of them, and that's all they needed... each other.

All they needed was each other.
Word count -862 words

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billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now