"Sorry i couldn't save you"

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Requested by Chaotic_3n3rgy

This is part two of " Sick of Losing You" from book two of Billy loomis x stu macher book

Hope you enjoy

Billy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before he sat up , opening his eyes and running a hand through his hair , staring at the same wall . He's seen so many times.

"Come on, Billy, you're gonna be late for school," Dewey told him, opening the cell door , Billy once again sighed before standing up and walking out of the cell,

Dewey closed it behind him and turned and looked at Billy,"you alright? You seem kinda tired," Dewey asked

"I'm fine," Billy grumbled out, "Are you sure?" Dewey asked ,"I'm fine, just get my stuff, I'm gonna be late, remember," Billy snapped

"Okay, sorry," Dewey said before walking away and a few seconds later returning with Billy's stuff.

"Need a ride to school?" Dewey asked, "No, I'll walk," Billy told him before walking past him and walking out of the police station.

Billy was deep in thought as he walked to school.  546 times,that's how much he failed to save stu. No matter what he did, he couldn't save him. He always ended up dead.

Billy wished that he could just save him,at least once, but he always seemed to die. Maybe he was just meant to die , maybe that's what life has been trying to teach him.

Mabye life has been telling him that he couldn't change fate. He just thinks that the world is trying to tell him that it hates him and is going to take away all his happiness.

Billy was snapped out of his thoughts by a body pulling him into a side hug . He instantly knew it was stu due to his nice smell, he smelled like strawberrys and chocolate, it must be because he buys strawberry shampoo and body wash , Billy once asked him about it and he just said that he likes the smell of it.

"Hey buddy! How are you feeling? Jail wasn't too bad, was it?" Stu asked , Billy shook his head ," Nope, I'm fine, " Billy replied

"Okay, that's great, hey , I don't know if you had breakfast yet, but um, I brought you a sandwich,"stu told him, pulling out a container with a sandwich inside ,"and I also brought you coffee,"he added, taking out a metal container

He handed Billy the stuff and smiled at him ,"Thanks, stu," Billy told him, "You sure you okay? You look kinda tired. Did you sleep well?" Stu asked concern

"Didn't sleep much, but I'll be fine , anyways stu, we should cancel for tonight," Billy told him, and stu gave him a confused look ,"but you had everything planned out already," stu said

"I know, but we shouldn't do it tonight, alright, another night," Billy said , stu staring at him for a few seconds before nodding. "Okay, you wanna come over tonight? And just watch a movie?" Stu asked

"Sure," Billy said with a nod, stu smiled. "Great, well, see you later, and don't be late for class," stu said before rushing off

Billy stared at stu as he left before sighing, putting the container with the sandwich in his bag, and took a sip of his coffee.

Stu always made him coffee sweet, with extra sugar .He never told stu he was more of a black coffee kinda guy with no sugar . After the tenth time, he got used to the coffee.

Billy sighed once again before walking into the school.

Billy did exactly the same thing he did every day , Billy was at his locker when Sidney came up to him ,"Billy," she called out his name

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