Taking care of billy loomis

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Willam "Billy " loomis was, in fact, sick.
He had insisted that he wasn't sick, but he clearly was.

He was lying in bed sweating but covered in blankets because he was cold.
His nose was stuffed, and tissues were all over the floor next to the trash since he kept throwing them but missing.

He had a headache, and his throat was sore, and it hurt when he coughed.

"You look worse than you sounded on the phone," Billy turned his head looking towards his bedroom door, seeing stu standing there looking at him with worried eyes.

"It's not as bad as it lo-" Billy cut himself off as he coughed

"Uh-huh, not as bad as it looks," stu walked over, sitting next to him and pressing the back of his hand against Billy's head

"You're burning up, Billy," stu told him, concerned laced in his voice .

"I'm fine..what are you doing here anyway?" Billy questioned

"I got worried about you," stu told him, "Well, I'm fine," stu gave him a disbelieving look

"Uh-huh sure, babe," stu stood up, "what are you doing?" Stu mumbled something before walking into the bathroom.

Soon, Billy heard the water running and stu came back out. "Running you a bath," Billy whined

"I don't wanna take a bath," he pouted ,"You need one,and I won't take no for answer," stu replied, taking the blankets off of Billy, who whined and tried to grab the blankets but stu gently slapped his hands away

"Doll, I'm cold!" Billy protest, "I know , the faster you take a bath, the faster you'll be under the blankets again," stu told him

Billy crossed his arms ,"I'll take a bath only of you join me," stu shook his head, and Billy pouted but stu gave him a look and he groaned

"Fine, I'll take the stupid bath," he grumbled, and with the help of stu, he walked into the bathroom.

As he was taking a bath, he could hear stu walking around, and out of his room, he wondered what he's doing.

Billy only took ten minutes in the bathroom. He walked out with grey sweatpants on and a grey hoodie , noticing that his room was cleaner than before but didn't pay much attention as he got back under the covers.

"Did you even dry your hair? You'll get even more sicker," stu told him, "Sit up," Billy groaned but sat up

"Ow! Careful, I have a headache, and you shaking my head around isn't helping it," Billy said as stu dried his hair with the towel

"Sorry, all done," stu threw the towel in the hamper before placing something warm in Billy's lap, "eat this, I'll be be right back,"

It was soup, chicken noodles soup, Billy's favorite , Billy smiled before he started to eat the soup

Stu came back a couple of minutes later with a glass of water and pills in his hand

"Here, for your headaches," stu told him, Billy finished his soup before taking the pills and taking a sip of the water.

"Did you make the soup?" Stu nodded ,"thank you, it was delicious," stu smiled

"Anything for you, Billy, you should get some rest," Billy laid back down and reached out, grabbing stu's arm

"Lay with me ," he said, "bill-" stu started but was cut off by Billy, "you rarely get sick, your immune system is way better than mine ,"

"And.. I always feel better when I'm holding you in my arms," Billy added with a pleading look and stu couldn't say no to his sick boyfriend. He wasn't that cruel.

"Okay,"stu nodded and took off his shoes before getting into the bed under the covers with Billy, Billy pulling him into his embrace

"You could've just told me you wanted to cuddle," stu whispered, "Doll... I want to cuddle," stu chuckled, and Billy smiled

"Thank you for taking care of me," stu smiled at him , "always. "
Word count - 662

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