" Never trust randy,"

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In hindsight, they should have never trusted Randy in the first place. It was a bad idea to trust Randy. 

Billy voiced it many times, but do they listen to Billy? No, they don't.

So the whole group was now sitting in a jail cell, and Billy glanced at everyone ,"I told you so,"

Tatum rolled her eyes, "Shut up, Billy,"

Billy leaned his back against the wall , crossing his arms ,"I told you guys we shouldn't trust Randy. He comes up with the stupidest ideas! Take today, for example! We ended up in jail!"

"Hey!I'm right here!" Randy said, with a small glare towards Billy,"Yeah, I fucking know," Billy replied with a eyeroll.

Stu sat down next to Billy, his presence calming Billy down a bit.

"Why isn't it so bad that we're in jail? This place is like literally your third home," Randy said ,and stu turned to look at him with a confused look on his face

"What's his second home?" He questioned,"You're house," Randy replied

"Oh," stu said, with a small nod . Everyone turned when they heard the cell door open.

"So...is anyone gonna tell me how you all ended up in here?" Dewey questioned, glancing at all the teens.

"Well..it all started because....."
(Earlier that morning)

The group was lazing around stu's house. Sidney and Tatum were in the kitchen while Randy was sitting in an armchair going through the movies stu had.

While Billy sat on the couch with his arm stretched out ,his head thrown back, staring at the ceiling , stu half laid beside him, resting his head on Billy's chest with an arm thrown across Billy's waist, asleep.

"Ugh! I'm bored!" Randy yelled, startling stu awake, Billy glared at Randy, who sheepishly chuckled ,"Sorry,"

Stu rubbed his eyes, letting out a small yawn, and Randy suddenly grinned

"No, absolutely not," Billy said, with a shake of his head ,"what!? I haven't said anything yet!" Randy protested

"You don't have to, you always say something stupid," Billy replied, as stu rested his head on his shoulder ,"Be nice, billy,"

Stu looked over at Randy, "So, what were you gonna say?" Randy grinned again ,"I have the best idea!"

Billy rolled his eyes, "Your ideas are never great," Randy forced out a laugh,"says you, my ideas are the best,"

"You set stu's kicthen on fire a few months ago because you decided it was the best idea to cook," Billy told him, and Randy rolled his eyes," it was a small fire,"

"Boys enough, Randy, what is your idea?" Stu questioned , Randy smiled ,"Okay, we should go watch a movie at the mall!"

Billy chuckled,"That's your best idea ever?" Randy nodded ,"it's actually not a bad idea," Billy added

"I'll go tell the girls, you two behave," stu told them as he stood up and walked out of the living room.

"I sometimes wonder what he sees in you. You're an asshole," Randy suddenly said, and Billy glared at him

"And I wonder how he's friends with you, you're an idiot ," Billy retorted

"Honestly, I wonder how stu hasn't gotten tired of the two of you bickering like an old married couple," Tatum said, as she and Sidney walked into the living room

Billy and Randy looked at each other with digust written on their faces , "Ew! Why would you say that!?" Randy groaned

"Yeah, what the fuck," Tatum laughed ,"Where's stu?" Billy questioned

"In the kicthen,getting some water, he told us that Randy had a bright idea and that was going to the mall to watch a movie," Sidney told him

"Best idea he's ever had," Tatum added ,"thank you! See Billy I have good ideas!" Randy said, sticking his tongue out at Billy, who raised his hand, sticking up his middle finger with a sarcastic smile.

"You guys ready to go?" Stu questioned, walking back into the living room,

"Can I drive!?" Randy questioned."No!" "Yes," everyone looked at stu, who shrugged ,"I don't want to drive,"

"Please!please!please! I won't stop begging until you say yes,you guys can trust me! " The group looked at each other before Billy and Tatum groaned, Sidney and stu shared a look shrugging at each other

"Fine!shut up!" Tatum and Billy yelled, and Randy grinned in victory. He stood up and fist bumped the air


"Wait, so what happened?" Dewey asked , Tatum rolled her eyes,

"We're getting to that part," she said

"So, we let Randy drive....."
(One hour earlier)

"You drive like an old lady," Billy commented, "I'm driving at the sped limit," Randy replied

"A person on a bike just passed us!" Tatum told him ,"Guy's let him drive," stu told them, Sidney nodding agreement ,"let him focus on the road,"

"Thank you, stu and sid," Randy smiled,"mabye, you could go a little faster?" Sidney suggested

"Or let one of us drive," Billy said , and Randy rolled his eyes ,"One more word out of you, and I'm turning this car around, young man!" Stu let out a small giggle, and Billy looked at him and stu just smiled at him

Billy let a small smile grace his face before it quickly disappeared,"drive faster dipshit,"

"Okay!okay, fine!" Randy sped up a bit before they heard sirens, "shit," Randy cursed before pulling over.

"Way to go, Randy," Tatum groaned ,Randy rolled down the window and smiled at the officer

"Hello, officer..."

"Idiot forgot his driver's license, and here we are," Tatum finished

"It kinda sounds like it was yours and Billy's fault," Dewey commented, shrinking back a bit as Billy and Tatum glared at him

"It was kinda everyone's fault," stu quietly said, and everyone turned to look at him

"I mean.. we did kinda let Randy drive, and we all know how fast he goes when he's pressured , and we all kinda forget our own driver license at home , so technically we were all in a speeding car with no adults or driver license," stu told them

"Billy's an adult," Tatum pointed out, "He's 18 and immature," Randy told her

"Fuck you!I'm not immature you dipshit!" Billy yelled, glaring at Randy who sarcastically laughed

"Says the one who has random outburst like a toddler," Billy stood up but stu grabbed his arm and pulling him back down.

Billy huff, crossing his arms ,"See? See what I mean?" Randy said, gesturing to Billy.

"Yeah, stu's right. we were all to blame since we let Randy drive," Sidney interrupted before Billy and Randy could get into another fight.

"You guys make it sound like it's a bad thing," Randy pouted,

"It is!" Everyone spoke at the same time

Dewey sighs ,"Okay, get comfortable, you are all staying the night," he said as he walked out, closing the cell door behind him

"Great!" Tatum huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at Randy

"I'm bored!" Randy complained," Not again!"

"It's not like he could come up with an idea that could get us into jail. Oh wait, we're already in jail, " Billy sarcastically said

"Let's play game. Nothing bad could come out of right?"
(A few minutes later)

"Help!somebody help me!they're trying to kill me! Ahhhhhh"
Word count - 1210

I re-wrote it! Hope you enjoy

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